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Hi all, I’m new here - its currently 01:44am where I am and I’m so worried for my boy. I went to give my 3 boys (who are almost 2 now) a treat before i went to sleep and noticed my one boy who is usually food-crazy seemed very tired, seemed like he wanted to food but was too tired to eat it. His eyes were almost closed.

I took him out to check him out and noticed he looked to be limping, ive been watching him for about 30 mins now and noticed he has a hard time holding himself up. Ive managed to get him to eat and drink some water, hes currently eating some brocolli but i noticed a very quiet wheezing when he breathes. He is also bruxing a lot and seems very weak, he does not grip my finger when i try to hold his hands, he just kind of leans onto me. Noticed that his ears arent as perky as usual either. Im really worried about him but i cant get him to a vet til morning, any ideas or anything i can do at home to make him comfortable? Eating and drinking is a good sign, and he lets me pick him up and touch him pretty much everywhere - still coming for cuddles. I just dont want my baby to be in pain. Thankyou to anyone that can advise.

video included, can see his breathing looks laboured somewhat.
