Sudden, odd behavior

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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2014
Amanda is normally active and social, however today, she's acting really shy, she's staying in her igloo, and she doesn't want free range time, which is all very unusual. I'm giving her today to get over it, maybe she's just tired or something today, but what could be causing this?
Not only that, Athena, my normally shy one, is super outgoing and friendly today. I feel like I'm living in the Twilight Zone today. :S
How old are they? My experience is that with young rats, we sometimes see their personality evolve as they grow and it can, at times, range from beginning as bright and outgoing to becoming more reserved, and vice versa.

What were they being treated for at Petsmart's vet and how long were they treated? They weren't there for that long, were they? And did they send you home with meds to continue? If they were treating for resp it may not have been long enough.
I'm guessing they're less than a month old, because they were pretty small when I got them. I brought them in for sneezing, and I didn't get any meds, because they said nothing was wrong.
They usually aren't taken from the mom until 5-6 weeks, but being from petsmart that could be different, but I'm betting they are 6-8 weeks old. That is normal behavior they will change personalities often. The more outcoming can become the shy one and vice versa. As long as they are eating, drinking, and lungs sound clear you should be all right.
Just like humans that have their lazy days :) sometimes Norbert will literally just sleep in his igloo after a 5 min run around which he usually runs around for hours so I agree as long as she's eating and drinking and doesn't seem puffy or sound gurgly she's probably just having a blah day or her personality is changing, teenage girls never know what they want In life :p
I totally agree - it's better to be "paranoid" than not worried, cuz these little critters can get ill in what appears to be "all of a sudden".

Could also be a little horminal, as even @ their very young age , if there was a male living with them they would end up pregnant. Babies having babies :think:

I just love the fawn colored hoodie rats - I think they are so pretty.
It seems all is back to normal.

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