Sudden death...Please Respond

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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2011
Hello, my rat Templeton suddenly got ill this afternoon, not eating, drinking, lethargic, ect. He was perfectly fine yesterday-just a normal, healthy, happy little rat. About an hour ago I took him out to look at him again and he had a seizure and died in my hands. I have another rat that shared a cage with him and I really need to know if this seems like something that could be contagious and what I should do to prevent Algernon from getting sick too. I have already thrown away everything in the cage and I cleaned it 3 times, thoroughly. Please let me know what to do.

Sad Rat Momma :cry:
sounds more like a stroke or a neurological problem or heart problem. It was so sudden it doesn't sound like anything contagious.

I'm so sorry for your loss. To lose Templeton without warning is very hard.
I'm so sorry for your loss. It does sound like something neurological or a heart attack. How old was he? Could he have fallen?
Update: He started foaming at the mouth a little bit after he died. My mom thinks it was probably some sort of respiratory emergency. If this is the case, do I also need to worry about Algernon? There is not anything that Templeton could have fallen from in his cage that would have hurt him...

Also seemed bigger today than he did yesterday. Retaining fluids?
MadamBelladonna said:
Update: He started foaming at the mouth a little bit after he died. My mom thinks it was probably some sort of respiratory emergency. If this is the case, do I also need to worry about Algernon? There is not anything that Templeton could have fallen from in his cage that would have hurt him...

Also seemed bigger today than he did yesterday. Retaining fluids?

Sometimes when rats choke they "foam" at the mouth but they do not have the other symptoms your describing. The foaming could have been caused by him trying to get air after his seizure. (My brother has severe epilepsy and usually spends a fair amount of time unconscious after convulsions trying to catch his breath and has a blue tint to his lips and foam in his mouth during this time.) Rats with kidney disease tend to retain water in the abdominal region and rats with pneumonia or heart disease get fluid build up in the lungs, although it's not very evident to the naked eye. I agree with what's already been said, it sounds neurological or cardiac in nature.

Keep an eye on Algernon for signs of illness and take him to a vet if you see any (he may very well grieve, especially if Templeton was his only companion) but if Templeton was sick, Algernon would already be exposed and no amount of cleaning is going to change that.

I'm sorry for your loss :hugs: The unexpected ones are always unnerving.
I don't think so...I put him in a box after he died and closed the lid. Then after I cleaned the cage I opened the lid and there was foam around his mouth and some liquid that I'm pretty sure was porph but may have been blood (didn't examine closely). The foam definitely came AFTER he had already died though.
And yes, unfortunately Templeton was his only friend. They were very close...I feel bad leaving him all alone in that big cage :(

Thank you everyone for your advice and support!
I read your other thread - I'm really sorry this happened.

You said that you don't have a vet for your remaining boy... it is time to start doing some calling around. Just because a vet clinic is attached to a Petsmart does not mean they will be good with exotics. It can be very difficult to find a vet that is not only willing to treat rats, but is knowledgable enough about them to do so properly.
Sudden deaths are so shocking. :sad3: I'm so sorry for your loss.

I agree with what others have said, it sounds neurological or cardiac in nature.
I am so sorry for your loss and I agree sudden deaths are so awful. I had one the other day and last month.
I am very sorry.....sudden deaths are very hard. I have had a couple happen to me.....both where very shocking and very hard to get over....

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