Sudden change in FEMALES personality Helpp?!

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Active Member
Mar 22, 2011
Canada, Quebec Montreal
Okay, so Ive had my rat Moustache, for about a month and a half. Shes rather small so I figured from other peoples pictures and such, that she is less than a year old. Like all females when I got her she was you know, not the lap rat, she liked exporing and hiding and all that stuff, but wouldnt be scared to come on my lap to get some treats. She had alot of energy, even when she was exactly one night before giving birth, she was still as nice and didnt bite and was active. The only thing she didnt particularly like was being held. Like even with treats like I could not make her stay for more than like 10 seconds. Then she had her babies, and while she was in the aquarium, she was okay. She would climb the ladder to get out and such. But ever since I put her in a new cage (that I got 2nd hand), shes been acting odd. Its been about 3 weeks. The first weeks, shed just stay in her hiding spot, a wooden house with blankets. She would barely come out even if I put my hand in the cage to give her a treat. She only explored a little bit when I changed the fleece 1 week later, and even then, it was really brief. But now its been about 3 weeks, and yesterday, after I took out her baby boys, I decided I was going to take her out also (after of course), even though she didnt seem to want to come out anymore. She hid in the fleece blanket, and wouldnt eat treats. So then I picked her up and put her on my legs( I was sitting with my legs crossed), and she didnt move at all and let me pet her. She seemed okay untill I noticed all the little poops. Like 5 of them, usually when she was nervous she would only have like 2, or 3 at the most. So then I got even more worried and picked her up and put her against my chest so her head was partly in my sweater and then she was okay. She didnt pee or poop, she was kind of sniffing around (I didnt put on perfume that day thank god), and she calmed down. She actually stayed for the longest time, letting herself be petted and cuddled while I talked to her, and when I lowered my hands to see if she wanted to leave, she went out of her way to actually keep her head partly in my sweater. She seemed like all weak, like not like females usually feel. And that was very scary, because its the same exact rat that a few weaks ago hated to be picked up. Her only cagemates are her 2 baby girls, about 5 weeks and half. I dont know if shes just depressed because she doesnt have another adult rat, or something, so Ive been looking everywhere to adopt 1 female rat as fast as possible, so that she gets better. But now Im scared that she is sick and has something contagious. So I wouldnt want to give that to another rat if she is sick. Am i just worring for nothing? Does that usually happen to pregenant rats that have been seperated with some of her babies? Help?


(Mouse being her normal female self 4-5 weeks ago)
Don't separate her from the others! If she's sick they have already been exposed. It sounds like she may be lethargic, which warrants a vet visit for sure. Aquariums are not good rat habitats and it's possible living in one for a few weeks started breeding an infection that is just now showing symptoms.
I only seperated the males. And the males all seem okay. Energetic and social and all. The female girls are only okay once the mum is gone. Like then theyll expolore the cage.

Could there been any other symtoms if she is lethargic?
Not to mention that I wasnt smart when I bought her, since I got her from a pet shop. The thing is that she was in an aquarium then too, with a couple of other rats. Like the typical borderline crowded gross pet shop conditions. So it would have taken 1 month and a half to show?
It could be that her immune system was weakened and she became more susceptible to infection. Lethargy in a rat is really bad, she should see a vet even if no other symptoms are present. Sniffles, sneezing, excessive porphyrin, decreased appetite, dehydration are all symptoms of illness. It's unlikely she's depressed because she doesn't have another adult rat.
I don't think she is depressed about not having a friend. Is she still nursing or has she totally weaned the babies now? Sounds like she is needing a vet visit to rule out any issues. Did you scrub the cage you put them in (2nd hand one) and disinfect it before using it? What kind of cage is it?
Its just a big cage made for rats. I washed everything, and the girl who sold it to me washed it before I came ( the cage was still wet). She told me there hadnt been rats in it for a while. She has stopped nursing the babies.
Some rats do go through a fear phase... The birthing and change in cage could have triggered it. It is always good to have her vet checked but if nothing comes up, I'd give her more time to settle into her new life as a mom. Extra socializing could help as well.
Alright, so I went home early yesterday to take care of my girl, and I have an appointment today to get her checked out by the vet. I give her gatorade yesterday in a little syringe, and I dont know if its just my head making up good news, but she seemed better. She was actually like acting like herself again. She must have drank 1 ounce or so, maybe a little more. She was exploring the cage and all for some time and then she went back into her house to sleep. I was beyond relieved. Not to mention that the little blue tounge was the most adorable thing I have witnessed in my 18 years of exsistance. But even then, even if she does get miraciously back to normal, I figured that shed have to go to the vet at one point, esspecially since I got her from a pet shop. For a check up it doesnt cost that much, and not to mention that it seems like a good place. :cloud9:
Okay! So for the update.

I went to the vet, and she got a clean bill of health! I was extremely happy, seeing as thought I was almost certain something had come up, her being a petshop rat and all. But still. Its going to be a month shes in her new cage, and still, shes not acting like herself. Actually for some reason at the vet, she was acting more comfortable than in her cage. She was climbing and moving and hiding in pockets and all, compared to at home, where she just hides or doesnt move. For example I took her out for a little bonding a couple of days ago, and I put her on my lap to do that forced socialization excercise. For a couple of minutes she was trying to get away, and I was talking to her and telling her no and such, and praising her when she wasnt moving. But after like 5 minutres she just stopped moving all together. She just lay down and didnt move. Which I mean, I would have took as a good sign ifff she was a male and was bruxing. Like she looked like indifferent.

So I came to the conclusion that my rat has a type of personality where she just doesnt give a crum. Honestly! For example, we got another female rat, to keep her company. The rat isnt too old actually, so its more of a kid. But my roommate when I was gone, took them out, both of them, because they looked bored. She doesnt know about intros and such lol. So she puts them together, and like apperently, they sniffed each other a bit, but mostly my rat Moustache, just looked like she didnt care and kept washing herself and such. I know its rare for females to reject or hurt baby rats, but still. Like she just didnt do anything. After my rat when back in her cage, and my roommate thought it was a good idea to add the baby just to see what would happen. And she did and the baby just went and cuddled with Moustache. But the thing is that, again, Moustache just seemed to not give a crum. It was like the baby wasnt even there. Total indifference again. Is it possible to have a rat with aspergers? Or very mild autism? Lol

Eitherway, sorry for the long post, and thanks to anyone who reads it!
If she seems fearful, it could be that something about te cage scares her - like the smell of predators.
Or she may have had previous experiences where babies were taken away for live snake food.
I have had girls that were fearful after the baby boys were removed but seemed to be reasurred by seeing that their babies were ok.

Did the vet make sure her uterus is ok?
That everything was expelled during the birth?
(Thinking of Eve, who had to have emergency surgery 22 days after giving birth.)

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