Sudden aggression in 8 month old male??

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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
Milo is about 8 months old now, unneutered. He's always been a little on edge, he doesn't like being held and will run when I try to grab him but once I get him, he settles down. He's a sweet boy and has never, ever been aggressive towards me or any other humans. Up until recently he was never aggressive with Haze or Koby either. Within the last couple weeks, him and Haze have been having little spats here and there, nothing THAT serious but a lot of noise and Haze has been bitten twice (just barely enough to draw blood). Earlier today, there was a commotion in the cage and I ran over to stop it, and it was Koby and Milo. Koby isn't a dominant rat at all, he could care less, so I think that's why up until now, him and Milo haven't had issues. I was really afraid that Koby wasn't okay at first, he was in the corner, breathing funny and acting a little funny, stomach to the ground, it was weird... he was fine after a few minutes, I think he was in shock or something? I have Milo in my spare cage now, I'm too afraid to have him with Koby and Haze now. I don't know what to do... why would he just suddenly start behaving this way at 8 months old? He's been with the other boys for 6 months and he loved them. He's usually fine but every couple days he gets crazy... he's not neutered and I don't know if there are any vets around my area that do neuters for ratties. I don't know if a neuter would help or not, but I'd be willing to get it done if it did. I feel so bad for him that he's all alone in the spare cage. :( I don't want him to be separated from the other boys but I'm too worried he's going to really hurt one of them.

I'm not sure what to do... :(
8 months old is the age when rats reach their hormonal peak and it's often when you discover aggression issues. A neuter would very likely help him. You can look in the vet listings or post looking for a vet in your area.
I just went through this with boys the same age. It can kick in on its ow or new animals can trigger it. Is he out right attacking? Or is one provoking it? Boys will squabble it is normal till they age. The alpha of the boys will be a bit rougher depending on how he uses his power.
I would leave him in there and near them when you are home just because the stress of being alone can make it worse. I don't take them unless they are causing major damage. If you feel safer take him out when you leave. A neuter will help him simmer down.
How often are there spats, how do the other two boys react around Milo normally?
How big is the cage?
8 months is peak for hormonal stress. But, scuffles and skirmishes are also normal in male colonies. Unless you see the boys are really scared of him or are getting cut up then a neuter is definitely recommended.
Or, if you can afford it and have a really good vet, go straight for the neuter. They turn stressed out males into loving cuddle bugs.
Completely in agreement with the neuter. When I adopted my ratosaurus (Pollux - RIP), he was about 8 months old and he and his brothers were returned to the petstore because they were overly aggressive. He actually cut his brother's belly open while there. He was a horrible biter when I took him in - and a couple of weeks after his neuter, I was starting intros and he was a completely different rat - relaxed, patient and cuddly, and remained a sweetheart until he passed :heart:
As Jorats and others said, a neuter will reduce the stress his hormones are putting him in, and make him a much happier boy.
You would need to have a good vet with sucessful surgeries & neuters on rats.

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