Stubborn Tumor

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Nov 8, 2010
Washington, D.C.
My best friend Eloise has a tumor near her vagina that keeps coming back. Her first operation was approx three months ago. She had two tumors removed, the one by her vagina had abscessed. The surgery went well and she healed up wonderfully. Only five weeks after the surgery though it was coming back. Pretty soon it abscessed as well. It was removed again, but this time my vet (Dr. Mary Hollifield in Gaithersburg, MD- great vet and great staff if anyone is looking) said that the growth had moved towards her vaginal opening. She healed once again, and so far I haven't seen any complication relating to her sensitive areas. But it seems the growth is coming back yet again. I'm not sure what to do, because almost certainly if I were to remove it again it would grow back. She is very healthy (approx two years old) and she has never had a problem with surgery before. So I think it is an option to remove it again. However, if I were not to I'm sure it would abscess again as well. Which (in my opinion) makes leaving it alone not an option. Eloise is my first rat and a very dear friend to me. She lost her sister (her cagemate from the moment I brought her home) a couple months ago, I rescued a new friend for her, Adelaide, who is about eight months old, and she has re-invigorated Eloise. The moment they met was just beyond adorable. My point being that I know Eloise still has some spunk in her. Has anyone else dealt with a tumor like this? What route did you take?
It's really rough when these things keep coming back. Is the rat spayed? If not could this be an option? Does the vet think it's a mammary tumour or a malignant mass? Is she on meds to discourage all the infections and abscessing?
I agree with Jo that it is a tough one.
If it keeps reoccuring then the chances are that to have it removed again it will return, it gives you more time with her but in the end the result may be the same.
Even if she gets spayed (if she hasn't already been) then at this time i am not sure how effective it will be at controlling more tumors.
Pickle had a tumor on his belly and we had it removed, surgery went well and he healed quickly. A month later he had another tumor but this time on his neck, had more problem with this one since he opened himself up and we had to bring him back yet again. But on the second surgery they put an implent on his back that's suppsed to somewhat control how big the tumors get. I haven't felt any more lumps on him since so i'm really hoping it works!

The vet told me about it when she saw what state i was in, he's a family member to me like someone's dog.
Talk to your vet about it to see if they know about it! Good luck with your girl!

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