Senior Member
One of my permafosters, Luna had a stroke this evening. For a while I had hopes of a recovery, she took ensure from the syringe and she was looking perkier. She didn't seem to want to sleep cuddled on the couch with me so I put her back in the cage so she could rest. I'm not sure if she had another one or if it's still from the first one but she's taken a turn for the worst :sad3: she has barely moved and is mostly unresponsive. Obviously if she makes it through the night I will take her to the e-vet first thing in the morning. She doesn't seem to want to be held so I'm leaving her in her cage cuddled in her house with a bunch of fleece and I'm worried about trying to get her to take anymore ensure for fear that she will aspirate it. At this point I'm praying she is able to pass peacefully on her own. If anyone with experience has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.