Strange Biting Habit?

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Jul 19, 2013
Hello I'm new to this forum. I really hope this is in the right place. I've had my two girls for a little over two weeks now and about three days ago they developed a strange biting habit. Both of my girls have taken to biting my ears! Or maybe its just one, its hard to tell when they're both black hooded and on/around my shoulder. I'm really not sure why they're doing this. They are a little skittish but they still seem to like me. They want to climb on my non stop and chatter and seem fairly happy. I've even gotten a few licks before from one of the girls. They only bite my ears. No where else. They want so badly to climb up on my shoulder but I haven't been letting them because of this. These bites aren't gentle either. The first time was actually multiple bites on both the lobe and INSIDE my ear that resulted in blood all through my hair and everywhere else. The second time wasn't as bad but still drew blood... Any ideas on why this is happening? They are petstore rats. Could it just be the bad "petstore temperament"? Could they be sick? They do sneeze but it hasn't been enough to prompt me to seek a vet visit, and they show no other symptoms. I also used to wear earrings, which they liked to tug on, but I stopped wearing them since the tugging was uncomfortable. Could they be upset my earrings are gone? My earrings also left a tarnish mark which I still haven't managed to get off. Could that have upset them? I'm really out of ideas. Are these the kind of girls that I just can't allow on my shoulder at all?
Hi Sheiden,
welcome to the shack!

Personally, I don't think any rat has a bad temperament- you just have to teach them like chidren.

Rats, when finding something funny(like that weirdo human earlobe, or with me, those wiggly stubs in the sock) really like to "test-bite" it. These bites can hurt, but really shouldn't draw any blood, though, so it's possible that your girls just aren't understanding of how hard they are biting, or that your earlobes are really sensitive. Rats almost never ever will bite, unless they are a) scared and cornered, b) test biting, or c) smell food. Since your girls are only a little bit skittish, I would assume it is the second. In that case, you can either just not let them on your shoulder, or if they do it- take them off, say "no" firmly, and put them back in their cage as a "time out". You could also try squeaking loudly and highly, as that is how a rat would inform another that it needs to be more gentle.
It sounds like your girls really like you but it's definitely a concern when they bite instead of nipping. Nipping is common in some rats, they don't do it out of maliciousness more like curiosity. But real biting with blood and all, that's not right. For now, I wouldn't allow the girls to climb on you. How old are they?
Thank you for responding! They are "young". The girl I got them from didn't actually know their exact age. I can measure them for you if you like but I don't know if that will actually help much in figuring their age. They've grown noticeably in the last two weeks so I imagine they are at east somewhat young.
If you have seen them grown, then they must have been younger than 6 months. So I think you can work on that behaviour. When they bite, take them off of you and walk away from them for about 10 minutes. Show them that each time they bite, they lose you as their jungle gym.
Sorry I haven't been on in so long. I've noticed one of my girls, Yuna, seems a little territorial over me. Kairi is so shy still so I was trying to work with her the other day and the second I set her down on my lap Yuna ran over and chomped on her butt and chased her off. Afterwards Yuna immediately plopped herself in my lap and kept trying to climb up me. Even if I kept taking her down she refused to NOT be on my shoulder. She isn't usually so determined. Could she be territorial over me and if so how do I fix that?

And about the original bite, it wasn't gentle either. I was told she broke through the cartilage on my ear which is why it STILL hurts sometimes even though the wound is totally healed on the outside.
My rats all (at one point) really liked to pull my boyfriend's beard. Not gently! They would literally put their hands on hid chin, grab a mouth full of hair, and pull WHILE pushing their little hands on his chin. They weren't testing what it was, they were straight up pulling his beard out. It really hurt him, so we tried the loud squeak. It actually worked really well and quickly. Obviously ear biting is worse than beard pulling, but if she knows it is hurting you then she should stop.

Also, I wear earrings every day, I just take them out when I am playing with my rats. I have my nose and monroe done and I have to take those out, as well. They just love anything fun and shiny that they can pull on.

ONE last thing! When rats chase and nip at each other, a lot of the time they are just playing.
They do wrestle a lot and I know that's play but sometimes my larger girl Yuna will chomp down on Kairi's butt and try to drag her where she wants her. Is that normal?

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