Stella: she's gone. Memorial to follow

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
New Brunswick (central)
Just got home after 3 weeks. Stella is 32 months now, having apparently recovered well from PT thanks to Bromocriptine. But she is aging for sure. She did well after surgery for two small lumps, but over the last three days she developed weakness on the left side.

She still has an appetite and gets around amazingly well, but it is sad to see her struggle. Fingers crossed that feisy Stella will come out of this enough to have a good quality if life for a while longer.

Time to see whether she's up for some more blueberries.
She's been back on Pred for a week. I don't think it's going to make much difference, though. She's on the full dose of 1 ml/lb bid.

I have to be very careful that she is getting enough to eat. She can grasp just fine, but she's so wobbly that it's hard for her to hold the food and stand up. She often lies on her left and eats. Grooming is extremely difficult. She leans on objects, but she doesn't seem to want to accept a hand to steady herself.

This morning I made sure she got lots of porridge and a bit of egg. She must still be eating some on her own because I saw her emit two normal raisins last night. She's definitely a fighter.

Hubby is now retired, so I'll be asking him to feed her mid day when I am at work.
Tonight after meds I presented her with a smorgasbord, to see what appeals to her most. The winners were porridge, puréed sweet potato, quinoa and boilled egg. She also devoured a Heinz bean. I'd saved bones from supper as a treat for all the rats, and she really enjoyed hers. I held it for her to make it easier.
Banana is also a winner. She was
Very interested in a cashew piece but found it hard to hold on to.

So now I have a new sampler prepared for her tomorrow.

I'm afraid that she does not seem to be recovering from the stroke. I'll keep her going as long as she is willing. Somehow she is managing to groom.
As long as she is happy and eating, I'm sure a few baby wipes along the way can help her with her grooming if she can't reach every spot... :)
Dare I hope for a little more recovery? Her left front paw seems more functional today. Her appetite is astonishing. Tonight I added soaked spiral pasta to her buffet. She loved it.

Go, Stella, go! I'm not ready to lose you yet. :heart:
Update from my husband. He texted
"I got her to eat just abut all of the food. She's very unstable, less well coordinated and prone to sudden spasms. I think she's weaker on her left side than yesterday. Her appetite was good but eating was very difficult. I. Had to follow her nose and when she sensed the food she ate. Tiny bits of egg she could take off the spoon but she was unable to balance to use her paws to grasp. She's a valiant rattie but struggling."
Thanks for all the well wishes. Stella is weaker on the left than she was this morning. I fed her by syringe tonight, and she lay on her side for mot of the time. When she got up it was extremely difficult for her. She's at am45-degree angle and keels over after going about eight inches.

But she never gives up. She does an amazing flip to right herself using her strong side. She tries frantically to get to the litter box. Raisins were normal in size and appearance, so the feedings are working.

Her body was nice and warm this evening. Last night her tails md backside had been cooler than usual.

I'm going to put some clean liners in the part of the cage she spends the most time.

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