Lilspaz, that was exactly my fear. I knew that the abscess needed to be checked, but I was so afraid that she would react like Lexi did. Lexi was old, although did not have PT. She had a lump removed no problem. Four months later she went under briefly for an X-ray and then died that night. (It was for the best because the X-ray had shown a large internal inoperable mass)
Anyway, I think that Stella's neuro issues are atypical, and I'd planned to post about that. When she developed PT symptoms and became unable to eat unaided, she did not respond to Pred. I tried Bromo as a last-ditch effort when I thought shed be pts the next morning. Instead the Bromo was miraculous. I kept her on Pred til the abscess developed, then weaned her off it and never restarted it. She's fine on Bromo.
Everyone, thanks for the good wishes. I look forward to seeing her this afternoon and kissing her little hairless head again! She's really my miracle girl, doing well at a good age. Petunia, I am lucky to have a vet who is a skilled surgeon.
I sometimes wonder if the Bromo is even necessary at this point, but why take a chance? I will have a necropsy after she dies, because I would love to know what happened. I sometimes think that she might have had a spontaneous recovery from stroke. She really was at death's door, having first lost her balance and then the ability to drink or eat. Maybe she has a PT that doesn't grow but just causes masses of prolactin secretion? I may never know. All I know is that within a day of starting Bromo she could eat again.