Starbuck back home from surgery

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Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2008
Moncton, NB
So miss Starbuck our rescue girl from the SPCA has developed a mammary tumor under her right armpit. She'll be going in March 9th to have it removed. It's about the size of a grape right now so with luck with the removal and spay at the same time she won't have anymore! Let's hope anyways!
Caught early, that's good. The smaller they are the better it will be.
Good luck Starbuck. :heart:
Starbuck did really well. She had a small tumor removed under her armpit as well spayed at the same time. She was picking at her spay stiches a bit so it was bleeding a little but nothing to bad.
She still seems a little off, like she's very well medicated still. I have her in her own cage so she can heal up well. Hopefully she'll heal up fast
Starbuck had some owie pains last night but this morning she greated me by hanging off the bars and showing me her gross scars lol So she's doing really well!

It's been a while since anyone has had a surgery. Should I keep her in her own cage for a few more days on the safe side? I know the babies would bug her and I don't want that.
I would put her back in with her cage mates and keep an eye on things.
She will be much happier back home.

If the others are bothering her incision and you feel you need to separate her, you will want to put another rattie in with her for company.
Putting her in the cage didn't work. For some reason Hermione got all hissy and acted as she was a new rat. Then that made the babies get way to pushy.

So she's in the cage with Griffin and Meg and loving it lol They're pretty easy going. Meg keeps to herself a lot I find and Starbuck just cuddles with Griffin.

She's doing great and using the wheel already!

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