Spay Stretch

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I guess so. I have seen the term "spay stretch" on here, and I have noticed my girls stretching of sorts since they've had their surgeries. I'm not really sure... The reason I ask is that Flower, who had her procedure done about a month ago, is now doing a similar motion. It almost looks like her little back legs draw up and she just ends up dragging herself. She had not been doing this since she's had her stitches out. Could this be an issue with her surgery? Last night she looked like it took such effort to move, and she just laid down where she was.

Though I just noticed it yesterday at play time, she doesn't do it all the time. Seems like only if she's been moving around a good bit. She's also started rejecting blueberries, though she is still eating food and cheerios. Any suggestions on what I could do to make her at least feel better? Thanks Jo. :)
I don't have any metacam. I could get some, but it would take a few days. Any suggestions on what I could get for her sooner? I think I read that most any childrens liquid pain relievers are okay, but even if they are I am unsure of the proper amount.
That would be fine. I can't give a dosage as I'm not in the US and don't know the medicine used exactly.

I think xxchelle has given dosage advice with child pain meds before.
How often does she do the owwie stretch? And to what extent, a real gut sucking in and a twist? or Just a funny stretch? If she's doing this regularly you could give her pain meds but honestly I would be worried about masking a symptom that could lead to a more serious issue. Can you get her to a vet?
If she was spayed a month ago and still in pain there's something else going on here, maybe a complication from the spay? I would take her to the vet.
This is the first time I've seen her do it since a few days after the surgery. She also doesn't really seem to be doing it today. ??? Unfortunately our vet is not very experienced with treating rats, but I'll contact him on the matter.
My sister had a rat who did that very occasionally, she didn't seem to affected otherwise. I'd wait it out to see if she keeps doing it. A simple tummy upset could do it too.
That's great to know. She seems to be fine agani this morning again, so I'll just keep watch of her, and get some metacam. Thanks a lot all.