Sharlees rattakisses
Well-Known Member
Have you every had dreams that you would be crying through the whole thing?
I had one of those last night when I had to watch as they put my 4 cats Simon, Jag, Steve and Misty asleep.
I think that it was my subconscious telling me that I was going to lose my rattakiss girls soon.
Sonora is lying on her side barely breathing and I'm afraid when I wake up in the morning she will have left me. :cry:
Depite the meds and everything I have tried to do nothing has helped.
Whisper is still very sick but is ALOT more active and hungry.
Mom and Daughter are a month apart in age but Whisper didn't birth and raise 10 babies.
I think that this has alot to do with it.
Kisses my sweet girl you are the best mommy any baby Rattakiss could want.
Visit my post SONORA ON THE MOVE to see her taking care of her babies. I love you!! :heart:
SONORA cuddling with me two days ago. :cuddle:
I had one of those last night when I had to watch as they put my 4 cats Simon, Jag, Steve and Misty asleep.
I think that it was my subconscious telling me that I was going to lose my rattakiss girls soon.
Sonora is lying on her side barely breathing and I'm afraid when I wake up in the morning she will have left me. :cry:
Depite the meds and everything I have tried to do nothing has helped.
Whisper is still very sick but is ALOT more active and hungry.
Mom and Daughter are a month apart in age but Whisper didn't birth and raise 10 babies.
I think that this has alot to do with it.
Kisses my sweet girl you are the best mommy any baby Rattakiss could want.
Visit my post SONORA ON THE MOVE to see her taking care of her babies. I love you!! :heart:
SONORA cuddling with me two days ago. :cuddle: