Soft Poopy!

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Jul 21, 2012
Royal Palm Beach FL USA
We have 3 new baby rats..They are about 8 weeks old and one of them is having very soft poop. What should I do to help?? I know you give hedgehogs pumpkin.......Was it the green peas I gave them 2 days ago?

Thank you!
Its hard to believe something you fed 2 days ago would show up in poop today. Their systems move things along pretty fast. Have they had fruits? That can do it. I've had new babies who had soft, smelly stools the first few days in my home, seemed to only be new home stress. You can try giving your rat saltine like crackers to firm things up.
I think it is pretty normal unless it continues for days. All the babies we had had here have had soft poos. Some are fear motivated which are always nasty. the new diets for babies seem to be the major cause.
If these are not fear poops but the result of them not being used to veggies (wherever they came from), a bit of cooked rice along with what veggies you give them (giving them only a little bit at first) can get them used to fruits and veggies. Rats can eat quite a bit of veggies with no digestive issues, if they are used to it.

I would only worry if you start seeing liquid poops, soiled bums and / or poops that appear to have mucus in them. That might indicate that a more serious digestive issue is at play and a vet can give you benebac to start with and metronidazole (don't quote me on the spelling) if things don't resolve with just good bacteria.

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