socializing...what to do? UPDATE 02-16-13

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2013
hey everyone. as you know I have a rat named French Fry. Well she is a very shy rat. She doesn't come to the door of the cage when im near, she is constantly hiding in the corner, when I put my hand in the cage she slowly stretches to see what it is and she backs off. I scoop from under and pick her up and she sometimes grabs onto the bars of the cage as if, nooooo!!!!
She was from the petstore, and she was alone in the cage there. I brought her home, and had her alone here for about a month. I tried introducing her to Sunday on a few occasions but sunday wouldn't have it. and so I tried French Fry with a baby. There has been MINOR scuffles but its like she isn't interested. The baby climbs all over her and she just walks away. Since there was no actual FIGHT, I put them in the same cage, a new one. no scents from either rat. Now French fry scours in the corner at all times and the baby stays in the hammock. They don't interact at all! sometime I hear them scuffle and I hear squeaking but by the time I check it out, its done and over with but there is no blood. I was debating taking Coco (the 5 week old girl) out of French Fries cage. Would this be what French Fry really wants??? Ive been taking her out to socialized her multiple times a day, she does okay, she is really nervous. but its taking her out that's the problem as she is just sooooo scared. I was even thinking of finding her a home with someone more experienced in socializing, because it seems like im not doing the best job, at least that's the feeling im getting because its not working.
All the other rats are explorative, friendly, and outgoing although 6 of them are babies. And sunday has no problem either.
any suggestions?
I bought both my rats from a pet store, although now if I had the choice I'd go to my local breeder.
Anyway, both of the boys were very nervous when I brought them home. I'd suggest sleeping with an old blanket for a few night so it picks up your smell, then putting it in the cage so French Fry grows used to it. When she is out, try putting her under your short or in a sweater and just talk to her gently. I've had my for three years now and one of my boys still isn't get social, he just likes to be left alone, I think I it just depends on the rat!
It sounds to me like you are doing fine. With socializing really all you are trying to do is show the animal that you won't hurt them and that they can trust you. Eventually they will want to be with you because they enjoy it. I used to rescue and socialize feral cats, and sometimes it would take a year before the cat would come to me for attention.

Also, how long has the baby rat been in the cage with her? And if you do remove the baby, will the baby be housed alone?
Theyve been together only a few days. If i remove the baby id be getting another baby from where i got her. Thanks for the encouragement.
OK so after that post, I decided to take a blanket and put it over my couch, put the dogs in another room, and let out a few rats at a time and sat on one end of the couch and let them play with me on the other end. SUCCESS! I found a new way to bond with them.
so I took pictures, it took me 2 and a half hours of playtime to get thru 7 rats. Sunday is coming out tonight, thought I would go ahead and get the younger ones done first.

hope you like the pics! and can you believe how much the babies have grown since I first got them??? ... 2002-16-13

and to all those that helped me with French fry, when we went to get her and coco out of the cage to play, they were sleeping together!!!!!! yay!
Very sweet! I would leave french fry with the baby, I think she just needs more time. My Josee was a very shy girl and it took a long time for her to finally climb me and let me pick her up. Sometimes I force socialize but most times, I let them sort it out themselves. Taking them out on the couch is a good fun way to play with them.
The babies are adorable! In some pictures FF looks to be mink but in a couple of them she does look like a cinnamon agouti. She's very pretty and young herself so I think it's safe to keep her with the baby.
well my options were either to keep her with the baby or take the baby out and put the baby with a would-need-to-be-adopted hairless from the same litter at a lady's house. But I guess my option 1 works out good. There hasn't been any scuffles in the last 24 hours, that I know of.

But socializing the boys seems sooo much harder. I have 1 baby who is well socialized at only 5 weeks. He loves to lick my hand and isn't scared if I move my hand over him. That's "august". Then "scotch" is almost as socialized as "august" but is still weary over the hand.
Then there is "Twenty-six" who last week was like august but now is a scaredy rat. And 2000 and Twelve well, I don't go there, they are just the most frightened, flighty babies ive ever seen. im working with them though with the "in my shirt" bonding. I wish they all were as socialized as Sunday. But every one has their own personality right and I have to understand that.

Oh and I found an ad on kijiji in Kitchener, Ontario (where I live) for DUMBO males...awwwww...I wish I could have them too! LOL.
You are getting GGMR really bad. lol

Are all the little boys living together? Can you go inside the cage and make your most social little boy popcorn by rubbing his head real fast? Do you know what I mean?
When a rat popcorns (hops all around in excitement) it sends off really happy signals and usually will make the other rats want to play too. If you can do this often, it might help the really scared boys.
i know im getting the GGMRs real bad. But I know my limit and ive set that in stone. I will not take on more than I can handle although sometimes I think I have hahhaha.

All the baby boys are in the FN single unit, I know its against the cage calculator but...I accidently picked up a male instead of a female at the persons house and THOUGHT I had the right rat in my hand but I guess I didn't. so I put him with the boys. They love him.

I can try to make him popcorn. I have noticed though that when I take him out, the other rat that I take out with him is fairly calm, probably because signals they are giving to eachother right? so maybe ill try to take out different rats while he is out and see if that helps.
thought I would upload a pic of their cage, don't mind the mess in there, they can be pretty messy as you all know.
The rope in their cage was made out of cut up socks and the pockadot tube was a stacker chips container with a sock over top. cool!


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