Socialization Question

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New Member
Mar 17, 2013
Hello All,

Great forum! I'm no stranger to all different kinds of pets but this is my first go at having pet ratties. The first thing I've noticed in just a short time is that they are much more interactive than other rodents / small animals I've had. I really like that!

I'm looking to get some more detail and advise with the socialization of my new buddies. I purchased two 6week old Males at a reputable pet store who actually breeds the rats there. Both of the parents are extremely friendly and the mother rat even let me pet her in the aquarium with her babies. I was able to pick up the babies and handle them with no problem and they didn't seem scared, just wanting to explore as to be expected. They let me interact with the litter for about an hour and I finally decided on two males to take home. The guys were pretty timid at first after getting home. Sudden movements and things like a sneeze startled them a bit. They also were too cautious to come up to me during the first week. I kept working with them daily and now by week three they are coming out of the cage onto the door and asking me for treats. (and they are growing fast!) I feel like this is good progress but they are still a little reluctant to let me "grab" them and hold them. However, if I do hold them, they do not seem horribly scared - just very cautious.

My question is what are some good ways to progress to the next step of bonding? Should I continue working with them at the cage until they are more comfortable with my hands or should I pick them up and sit down with them in a chair or something even though they are still reluctant to be picked up. I do not want to damage the progress we've already made but I also want to keep them on a good path of progressive socialization.

Thank you in advance for any advice!

Hi Scott, congRATS on your rats. They really make awesome pets.

I would force socialize them. I've always done that with mine. I put on a tshirt, with a sweatshirt over top and stuff the babies in between. I keep them there for about an hour and I do this a few times a day. They end up bonding with you. You'll have happy bouncy rats in no time.
Another tip, keep a radio on, make noise, lots of movement, lots of talking to them, they need to become desensitize so that every little thing doesn't scare them. Also, I would have their cage in the busiest part of the house, where there's more human activity so they can see, smell and feel everyone.
Find some of your oldest shirts and wear them to bed or around the house, and then when gets wonderfully stinky pop it in their cage with them to snuggle with. Everything thing you can do to get them used to your scent is a great thing. And then everything jorats said too :)
Here is what I did with my first rat Pickle:

I'd take him out and let him run around on my bed while i was watching tv or surfing the net. Of course, I only had one rat at that time, so I would leave him out for a few hours. Try having them out while you're lying around and in no time they'll warm up to you! My new ratties already are, and we got them yesterday!

It's a hella good idea to have barriers around the edges of the bed, younger rats tend to popcorn and hurl themselves off of things.
lowrexx said:
Here is what I did with my first rat Pickle:

I'd take him out and let him run around on my bed while i was watching tv or surfing the net. Of course, I only had one rat at that time, so I would leave him out for a few hours. Try having them out while you're lying around and in no time they'll warm up to you! My new ratties already are, and we got them yesterday!

It's a hella good idea to have barriers around the edges of the bed, younger rats tend to popcorn and hurl themselves off of things.

Wanted to add that, while doing this, we put down towels or took the blankets off so we wouldn't be sleeping on any "territory"!
Hi Everyone...
Thank you all for the replies. I started the force socialize a couple days ago and figured out I really wasn't forcing them at all. They didn't like it much the first day when I grabbed them and took them over to the chair to sit down but that is changing very quickly. Just in a couple days they now come out to the edge of the cage door and let me scoop them up on my hands. One of my guys has grown a liking to crawling around my neck and under my chin. I give them a few more days and I bet they will walk onto my hand. It was great advice to dive in there and use the force socialization technique. I was a little scared to force anything in fear of making them afraid of my hands but it turns out they respond really well to this technique.

It's been good progress there but now I think i'm seeing signs of respiratory problems. I've been monitoring infrequent sneezing in one of my guys but it seems to be progressing into some coughing (I think) also. Both are eating, drinking, and playing a lot but I understand these guys are very susceptible to respiratory problems. I don't want to be over paranoid but I am planning to call the vet tomorrow. My understanding is that they are too young to be showing symptoms of Myco but I read where younger rats can come down with other infections such as Streptococci, etc. as a result of stress. They did go through a big change just a couple weeks ago. So, I think I will call the vet just to be safe. Have any of you seen this as something common with young rats in the first weeks of adjustment? I've really taken a liking to these little guys and don't want anything bad to happen to them.

Thank you for helping a rattie newby!

Baby rats can certainly get sick. A vet check is always a good thing. Be sure to find one that is knowledgable in rats so they know what to look for. Not all vets know about rats, in fact it seems most don't.
I'm glad the socializing is coming along great. That's so important for happy healthy rats.
The fact that they continue to have a good appetite and continue to be active is a good sign. Are you seeing them to a type of hiccup? (coughing) Rats don't cough, but they can hiccup and wheeze. Next time you have one in your hands, bring his chest/side up to your ear and listen to their lungs on both sides for any signs of wheezing. Clear lungs should sign like nothing. You should only hear the heart beat.
Hi Joanne,

Just thought I would post an update on the socialization and respiratory issues. Socialization appears to be a complete success. They come to the cage door when I enter the room and want to be held and played with now. That progressed very fast! I have always given them a treat when I put them back in the cage so it's almost like they have made a little game of it. They want to come out, then are interested in going back in to get their treat. They are starting to enjoy being pet more now too. Thank you guys for the tips as they have helped a lot!

I found an exotics vet close to where I live who personally has pet rats. I took my guys into her to be looked at for the sneezing. She listened to them with the stethoscope and thankfully everything is in their head, no issues with the lungs. She gave me SMZ for 7 days and asked me to report back if the sneezing hasn't stopped. She said it appears to be very mild but it is best to get them on something as their condition can deteriorate very quickly if left untreated. I'm on day 3 of the meds and the sneezing appears to be almost gone. I haven't heard them "cough" at all today. hooray!

Having tons of fun with these guys! I don't know why I didn't try rats sooner. :)

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