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Dec 29, 2008
St. Louis, MO
So, my 5 boys are going in on Tuesday to be nuetered :sad3: I cant believe my husband is going along with it. He didnt want the rats in the first place, wont handle them at all (even when our 3 year old drags him to them) but he bought me a critter nation for Yule (which will arrive Monday) and is not complaining at all about the money I'm spending on nuetering (or on all the new fleece for the CN :lol: ), he's dropping them off on his way to work :thumbup:

Any advice for handling them after surgery?
my monkey right now he just got neutered two days ago and i handle him well very carefully in case. to me he seems like nothing happened but when i look down there im like ouch :giggle: ! he is always trying to get out of his cage climbing and all too when i give him his meds. im not too sure how long they look like that though :( as he just got done.

i wish you goodluck and goodluck to those brave little guys.
Wow!!! You've got a great hubby there! My hubby is like yours, he won't touch/play with them but he'll let me spend all his money on them. He is also the one to bring them in for their surgeries. Woot!

Your boys are going to need some quiet time for about a day. Keep their cage clean, no litter, it should be fleece or newspaper. I give mine soymilk after surgery, it seems to boost their appetite.
You are going to be one nervous rat momma on Tuesday! Good luck!
Boys can have a great deal of pain in the days after surgery so I always make sure to get medicam from the vet. One drop is good for 24 hours. The meds they are given by the vet will usually cover the initial 24 hours after surgery.

All the best to you and your boys.
Well, they are home and seem pretty happy. I really liked the vet, she seemed very knowledgeable about rats and personally spoke to me about after care etc.

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