Sneezing and runny nose

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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2009
Hi Everyone, I'm new here and very glad to have a place to discuss rats. Well, as the story goes my fiancee and I got Ralphie a male rat who is about 3 months old now when he was only about three weeks, the pet store sold him to us way too young I later found out. Immediatley he had a whole bunch of problems, an upper respitory infection, lice, and later a bladder infection caused from peraphomesis (spelling?) At about two months of age wefound a great exotics vet who loves rats and he suggested if we were going to get him a friend to get a female and having him neutered because neutering is a lot easier than spaying. So we did, Ruby joined our family very shortly after, she was only about 4 weeks and she got very ill unexpectedly only a few weeks after we had her. We ruxhed her to the local emergency vet where they told us she had very bad pneumonia and they would do everything they could but she was very young. They started her on antibiotics right away and put her in oxygen, she didn't make it through the night. :( We were crushed! She was the perfect match for Ralphie.

So I just wanted to give you the back story. Anyways, we got another baby female yesterday as hard as it was to do we wanted to get one while Ralphie was still fairly young. She is sneezing A LOT and has what appears to be a runny nose. She is making funny noises sometimes ecspecially right after we pick her up sort of like exessive sneezes or tiny squeeks one right after another coming from her nose and I'm worried she might be having trouble breathing. She is active, eating and drinking. She is very tiny! I called our regular vet to see if we could bring her in today and he is going to be out all week with the flu! There is no way to get in touch with him and I don't know what to do. If we need to take her to another vet we will but money is tight right now and I was hoping that we could treat her with the antibiotics Ralphie is finishing up on for his bladder infection. The vet gave us an entire bottle and I think its baytril. It's labeled SMZTMP ped susp. I'm supposed to give Ralphie 2/10 cc twice a day for 21 days. So if I were to give her this medicine how uch would i give her and for how long? She is only 3.8 oz and Ralphie is just about 11.2oz? So would I gve her like .05cc? And is baytril which I thin this is safe for a rat so young, we think she is probably only about 4 weeks? Thanks for your help can't wait to here from you! :)
Hi, sorry to hear of all the troubles you've been having with your babies. Are all the rats from the same source? They are obviously breeding very sick rats. :sad3:
SMZTMP ped susp is not Baytril and not really good for respiratory infections but it might be worth a try. She might be having a mild myco flare up due to the new changes and stress in her very young life right now. What's the concentration on the bottle? It should be in mg.
If your little girl in quarantine now? Away from Ralphie? Has Ralphie been neutered yet?
Hi thanks for your reply. Yes she is away from Ralphie, he was neutered three weeks ago. The concentration isn't listed he hand wrote the perscription? Should I try steaming her in the bathroom to help her stuffy nose, I read that somewhere? Do you think she'd be ok until tomorrow if I brought her to another vet then? I'm very cautious now after how fast everything happened with our other baby girl. It wouldn't hurt to give her the antibiotics today would it? How much would you think. Thanks!

There's nothing written on the bottle itself? It's hard for us to give a proper dosing... rats can react very badly to meds especially if it's too high a dose.
Steaming might help... but make sure she's not stressed out when doing it. And I do believe it can wait till tomorrow for the right meds.
Ok thanks, well there is a perscription on the bottle but it's hand written and it says everything else but no concentration. I put her entire cage in the bathroom so she wouldn't stress and she is steaming now. We'll see if it helps. I won't give her the antibiotic and instead will try and find another vet for tomorrow. Thanks! Any advice is appreciated.

Well I brought her to the vet today, not our regular vet and one with little experience with rats but we needed to get her on antibiotics asap. So, I'm confused because she thinks the upper respitory infection could be caused from myco so she gave me baytril and the doxy one that are known to work better in combination for myco. But, when our male rat had an upper respitory our other vet basically said thats all it was and that myco is uncommon is such young rats? So, I don't know who to believe? Is there a way to tell if it is myco? Do I really need to use both antibiotics because our male rat was only on baytril when he had the upper respitory? Does this mean our male rat has myco too? Is it permanent? I just have so many questions. Thanks


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