Sneezing and nervousness.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Hi, I'm new here and I have some questions. I think one of my little guys is sick. I am trying to get into the vet but I want to ask around first and see if there may be someone better versed in dealing with rats in my area first. Anyone in the Hamilton/Burlington/Oakville, Ontario area have a recommendation?

It started out with some sneezing about 4 days ago. There was no porphyrin, he was eating and playing the same as ever, all fine except the sneezing so I chalked it up to the cold weather and my apartment being dry since the heat was just turned on. I bought a humidifier and gave him echinacea and things seemed to settle down. Now today I went in to give him breakfast and he didn't wanna come to me and normally he is my little shadow, he seems spooked and he wouldn't take food from my hand. I have no idea why he's like that but I'm scared and while I wait to hear back from my regular vet I thought I could get some support or enlightenment here. I should note I have never taken my rats to my regular vet, just the cats, so I don't know how she'll be.

He's been with me for the past few hours and there hasn't been any sneezing and he was bumping noses with "his" cats, he's seeming more and more like himself as the days goes on. We're still waiting to hear back from our vet.

Thanks guys.
I see you figured it out now :)

How long have you had them? New rats can get sneezes in a new home, which generally last only a few days. A sneeze here and there generally are not a huge concern, but constant or wet sounding sneezes can be. A new scent can make them sneeze such as an air freshener, different bedding and so on. If the bedding is new, it can make rats sneeze sometimes you have to figure out what bedding works for your rats.

I dont usually go by not have porphyrin because I have seen some really sick ratties and not one ounce of it showing. I would never advise to wait for staining, go by the sneezes, what they sound like, and how long they last. Of course lung sounds. If you hear anything it is a good idea to medicate. Always ask for 30 days, typically baytril and doxy will be used. You dont want doxy alone but baytril can be used alone.

I have scared boys, they go through a phase, I think one said it is normal for the age group on your other post. Some come around fast other take a bit of convincing. You can put him in your shirt, as long as he isnt a nipper! Just make him hang out there, it will force him to get used to your smell and the area.

Good luck and dont forget pictures we love to see them :)
Sneezing in itself is not so bad...but any other symptoms and I worry. Are his sneezes very wet?
How old is he? Rats go through a "scared" phase and they usually snap out of it. Also, is he a lone rat?
Ok, just saw that he's 3 months old...that is definitely the age where some rats get easily spooked. Extra socializing should take care of that... plus, buddies. He definitely needs cage buddies especially at this young age. Rats are very social.
Thanks for the replies. He does have a cagemate, don't worry. His brother is perfectly fine so I separated them just in case, until we see the doctor. I've had him since he was about 3 weeks old, he was a feeder rescue. He's going to see the doctor tomorrow! I don't know much about the antibiotics so can anyone give me some more info about the baytril and doxy?

I did the rattie telephone and he sounds congested. He won't eat but he is drinking.
I wouldn't separate him from his buddy, he's already been exposed anyway. Sometimes the stress of being alone makes his symptoms worse. Good luck at the vet.
Oh good. I agree I would put the little guy back with his bro.
The vet should give you Baytril for an effective antibiotic. Zithromax would be good to.
jorats said:
Oh good. I agree I would put the little guy back with his bro.
The vet should give you Baytril for an effective antibiotic. Zithromax would be good to.

Or baytril and doxy for those vets that wont give zithromax :wink2:
Well, today he has a massive appetite, he's excited to see everyone as usual, he's running around, he's completely himself again and I haven't heard any sneezing or congestion. I don't know where the turnaround came from but I'm happy he seems to be feeling better today. He is not the listless little guy from yesterday. We're still going to the doctor tonight but I just wanted to update about that.
That is good. Dont let him over do it though, limit his out time so he can recover. It can be quite tolling on a rats body and recovery can take a few weeks :)
He's home from the doctor. He's been sleeping a lot, which is great. He didn't have a fever, no signs of pneumonia, he has a URI and she gave him Chloramphenicol. He weighs .8lbs! She said he's gonna be a big boy. I was really happy with her care. So, all seems to be well now. Thanks again for the replies, it helped a lot.

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