Sluggish Davros - It's PT - Video posted

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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2008
Ontario & Northern California
I've never had males before so maybe his change in behaviour is a male thing but I've noticed lately that Davros just doesn't really move around as much. He sits in his box or the hammock a lot, doesn't really come to the door unless there's some significant bribing with food but even then, he's very slow at grabbing it...He's neutered and is about 1.5 years old. He's also TINY for a male; he was runty when we got him so he's always been a little on the small side.

Should I be worried? His breathing is clear, his fur is clean and shiny and soft, his eyes are bright...he just....moves so slowly now...if he moves at all!
My Mako is like that, around the same age and is very runty too, he just hides and keeps to himself though he does move when he's out. Could just be boys in general - my other guys are pretty lazy most of the time til there's something interesting to look at/compete over :D
It could be him just slowing down.....but any change in behavior, for me, is a little warning bell that something might be off. Keep a close eye on his weight and his eating.....sometimes we don't always notice, especially if you have more then few rats, if one slows down in their eating.
No, it's definitely been gradual. I think just compared to HYPER girls, it's really noticeable. He's still eating but just in case, I've started taking him out of the cage during food time so he can eat unmolested by the girls. I've also been soaking the harlan blocks in Boost (it's like Ensure) and giving him the mash and he seems to LOVE it. He was more active this morning - I think Davros has finally decided to join the ranks of 'squish' and 'lazy male' LOL

But I'll keep an eye on him and I'll get a pic of him when he's awake. They're all in the igloo sleeping now and I don't want to bug them.
He's having a hard time holding food in his front paws; he'll only eat soft mushy roods that I give him from a syringe or bottle. He loses his balance when he grooms, falling backwards. He's lost weight, he falls from things he never used to fall from before... :(

He's only 18 months! I hope it's not PT. He's going to a vet this week :(
I got Davros from a feeder breeder; he was a spontaneous rescue along with his sister so I have no information on his genetic background or history. His sister is doing wonderfully - she's the alpha in the cage and is nice and big. This is so heartbreaking - he's my husband's heart rat so I think he'll take it pretty hard

These symptoms are all too familiar: ... gure_2.php
Unfortunately 18 months is a key time for PT to show up. It is not usually an ailment for only older rats.

I'm sorry guys, but it is true that lots of rats do very well for weeks or even months with meds.
I sure hope it's not PT but dex can slow it down or even pred.
Good luck to Davros and his vet appointment.
God Viv... what an awful last few days. :hugs:
My heart is broken. It's PT; obviously it's not something he's going to get better from. He's barely eating even when I syringe feed him now, and most of the time in the cage he just lies awkwardly in the bedding, rolling around and trying to stay on his feet. He's at his happiest (so much bruxxing and boggling!) when I take him out and he sleeps on my lap or in my shirt but I obviously can't do that for him 24/7, even though I want to.

Why does this have to happen :(

You see how quickly he's worsening. The first video is from a few days ago...the second video from tonight

I'm sorry Viv, not a very good year for you and your babies.
Lets hope for a brighter tomorrow. :heart:

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