Sleeping a lot

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2009
British Columbia, Canada
Hello everyone,

I have two female rats about a year old. I noticed they seemed itchier than usual about a month ago, but nothing serious or really very noticeable. Lately, they've been sleeping more and don't seem as energetic. There is no red discharge and they are still eating and drinking although I have noticed that they are eating a little less (just like 10% less than they usually do). Basically, the biggest thing is that they've been sleeping more and still seem a little itchy.

I know that mites or other external parasites can cause anemia and make them lazier but I have not found anything in their fur. They've had lice before and are showing the same symptoms. Last time, I gave them ivermectin for 6 weeks and they were as energetic as ever again. I just can't see anything in their fur to verify that they do indeed have external parasites.

Should I go ahead and treat them for parasites? I don't know what else it could be. I took them to the vet but he said that they "slow down when they get older", but this "slowing down" was rather sudden (over about a week's time) and also they're only a year old.

Thanks for any help :)
Lice you can see, but mites you can't. Do they have scaps under their chins? or on their shoulders?

I am currently treating my rat's with topical ivermectin (3 week treatments, once a week for three weeks).

If I were you I would go ahead and treat them for mites, it won't hurt.
Okay thanks, I will start the treatment tomorrow then. They don't have any scabs but their fur is thinner around the ears, shoulders and chin where they usually scratch.

Could all this mean anything else more serious? I can't think of anything else that could be wrong with them given the symptoms that they show.
Well the signs of mites are itching usually in the chin, shoulder & neck areas, sometimes you will see scratches or hair loss in these areas if they are scratching excessively.

Mites only really affect rat's if they are ill.

I'm not sure if mites would cause them to be less active, I'll leave this for someone else to answer.
I forgot to mention, do you freeze your bedding for 48-72 hours before use?, also what food do you feed?
I know that high protein fod can make rat's scratch in these same areas.
The problem is usually mites.I would get all rats treated with revolution asap.
Scrub out the cage, throw out or freeze (for at least 72 hours) anything wooden, etc
It does sound like mites...the fur loss, the apathy. Is their coat not as soft as usual? I myself prefer Revolution as drop and you are done :D With Ivermectin, which only kills the adults, your rat basically gets re-infested 3 times, which is why you treat 3 times (life cycle of parasite). You don't need to treat for 6 weeks, just 3.

As for anemia, you need a pretty severe infestation or compromised/ill ratty for this to occur normally. I think they just feel unwell.

And yes, freeze any paper or wood-based beddings for 48 hours prior to using in your cages to kill any "stowaways" :)
The only reason I say use Ivermectin is because my vet has used Revo with others and it nevere cleared it.
But alot of people do have success with revo.
"I forgot to mention, do you freeze your bedding for 48-72 hours before use?, also what food do you feed?
I know that high protein fod can make rat's scratch in these same areas."

I free feed them Nutrablocks. It's 5% protein and I give fruits, veggies, and whole grain stuff about 3 or 4 times a week. For bedding, I use shredded paper and paper towels which I change about every 2 days. They also have some face towels and stuff which I also wash regularly. So, no I don't freeze their bedding because I don't see any of these things carrying parasites. Do you think it's still necessary though?

Thanks everyone for all the help. I have begun treating them for mites and hopefully everything goes well :)
It's the only food that is available here apart from seed mixes. The ingredients are similar to Excursion's . Also, the "whole grain stuff" that I give about 3-4 times a week includes Subee's Homemade Rat Diet.
I use them both. Had success with both and failure with both. Either is fine to use.
Revolution is ineffective with sarcoptic mites (ear mites) so you need to use ivermectin for that one.

Ivermectin sometimes works and sometimes doesn't with regular mites because there are now resistant buggies out there, so if the Ivermectin doesn't work, don't assume its not mites but treat with Revolution next. Ivermectin works with lice though :)

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