Skittles is in for spay. At home...

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Oct 15, 2010
Skittles is for sure having the spay done, but I am unsure about the tumor removal. He said doing two under the circumstances can be added stress and could loose her over it. So he said he will only do the tumor if the spay goes fast and she appears to be ok during. Which at least he was thinking about her.

I am nervous because of what has happened the last two days. I just hope her body can handle this.
keeping you and her in my thoughts today, I hope it goes smoothly and she had a quick and uneventful recovery!


try not to worry too much, ok? easier said than done, I know
That's a good move on your vets part...wait and see how long the spay takes and how she is doing before progressing.

Inca had her tumour removed but Munn wasn't sure he wanted to spay her as well right afterwards, but because the tumour was obviously mammary decided to go ahead. She apparently didn't look fat in appearance but had a lot of fat under the skin, which makes it trickier. She's lost weight now, so I am pleased.
Good luck to you and Skittles! I hope the spay will be fast and easy so that tumour can be done as well and you both can have a breather from that side! What a week it's been for you!!! :hugs:
She is up and did fine. They said there was one very large baby in there. So my poor girl just couldnt deliver. They did not do the tumor removal He said he did not feel it was the right time to do it. So i guess I will see how she heals and how it goes and get her in for the removal.

I asked in chat if she could be over pregnant, I never seen a rat baby before but they seems longer than a baby would be. I only have pictures to go by but to me they just seemed large.

I can go pick her up anytime, but I am going to wait just a bit, i need to shower and drink coffee first. Plus since she was through so much, I want to breath before I have to start dealing with her for recovery. I would rather her be there a bit for waking up than me dealing with her super groggy.
Happy she did fine - and that that last baby is out! My gosh, she will be feeling so much better with all this behind her! Too bad they couldn't remove the tumour though. She sounds like a trooper, so I'm sure she'll be fine.

Take good care of the both of you. You have to think of yourself, too, so take the time you need! :hugs:
Very good news! My vet told me the less babies are in there the bigger they are as they have more room to grow. That's why April's babies were so much fatter than the other two moms.
That is good to know, I never did any research on babies. I never thought I would see them in real life outside of forum posts. I have no idea what to think on size.
lilspaz68 said:
Misu's 2 halfie bubs (she was 17 mo) were huge and developed. The boys were called the Behemoths and still are. :giggle:

Yes they are huge :laugh4:
So glad Skittles made it through surgery and both of you are on the road to recovery. :hugs:
When I looked at her at the vet, I just lifted the box up she was in and only seen her right side.

I was kinda surprise to see this since he didnt do it LOL I guess he was ready in case he could do it.


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