I'm a first time rat owner ,and I got my two girls about roughly 6 months ago ( Charlotte & Emily ) . I fell in love with them at first sight and they have been my world ever since . I work 6 days out of a week and tend to get busy at times . I still made sure to spend time with them everyday until one night a few weeks ago I noticed one making what I now know is a wheezing sound . I mistook it as bruxing at first and didn't think anything of it until the next day when I researched the sound . That is when I found out one of my girls had what I was fairly certain was a URI . I didn't have the money at the time to take her in immediately as I do live on my own and was in the middle of paying off debt which I have done at this point . So I did what I could to make sure she was comfortable , made sure she had some veggies, as well I started adding vitamins to her water . Now my other girl is sneezing to , she isn't wheezing however . But I do notice has been leaning her head to the side slightly and seems to get disorientated a bit . The other day when I handling her she decided to make a sudden leap of faith to the floor and she didn't quite land as gracefully as she hoped . She seemed fine afterwards so I'm not sure if that is a result from that or she may have a ear infection . I finally have the funds to take them to the vet, but my god the guilt of not being able to provide for them immediately is killing me . It 's 3:30am here and I've been losing my mind. Everytime I hear Charlotte make any sort of wheezing sound my heart just breaks and I can't help but to cry. I should have made sure to have the finances saved up for them immediately.. it was definitely a learning curve and I'll never make the same mistake again . I want to give them the best life they can have . I guess I just need some advice.
Sorry for the long post!
Sorry for the long post!