sick rat?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2010
my baby girl has been very ill looking ears very white, shes been sleeping alll day all night when i pick her up shes not moving around reallly not sure whats wrong with her i think shes not feeling so well maybe has a cold?
Poor girl! How old is she? Does she have cage mates? Any changes lately in diet/environment? If she is really lethargic, I would make sure that she is eating/drinking. Maybe entice her with a juicy piece of fruit or some plain yogurt, it's important to keep her energy up, keep her warm until you can go to the vet.
We just changed her cage shes got a sister too shes okay... its going to be hard to get her to a vet for a bit its a 2 hour drive to one that deals with rats :(
Maybe the new cage/environment, but whenever I have switched cages or changed the layout, my rats are usually MORE active and excited.
Rats do not get colds and when they are ill it is very serious.
Rats get sick and die quickly.
What color should her ears be?
It is possible that she is not getting enough oxygen if her ears are too pale ... are her toes turning bluish?
What is her breathing like?

She may be dehydrated ... make sure she is getting enough fluids like pedilite or the homemade rehydration fluid (see viewtopic.php?f=26&t=11058 )
Ensure or pedisure is good to keep her energy up, also baby cereal mixed up with ensure or soy infant formula. People say their rats like vanilla flavor best.
You can give her one drop of fluid in the side of her mouth at a time by needless syringe. One drop at a time in the side of the mouth is so the fluid doesn't run down her throat and into her lungs.

Can you give us more info.
At this point in time, all I can suggest is to get her in to see a vet as soon as possible
and like jorats said, keep her warm and hydrated.
her ears are very pale... shes limp shes drinking water when i take her to the water sometimes...shes eating very little... im trying my best but she looks like shes a gonner :( never will i ever buy from a pet store agian... im really trying my best to make her comfortable her sister knows somethings up shes laying on top of her and sleeps with her :( shes drinking water alright but not really eating..shes also breathing somewhat rapidly her toes are not blueish either
So sorry, it's not easy, but you gave her lots of love and everything she needed while she was here on earth.

She's romping and playing at the bridge, and I know that my boys were there to greet her. :hug4:
thanks guys :( even my boyfriend choked up... because that was his lil baby awh... they were a month old yesterday to...and this happens to one of them... were going to find her a new companion tomorrow. she needs somebody..shes aware that her sister is gone to...
and therein lay the problem. Your baby girl at 1 month and already in your home was too young to be away from mom in the first place (they usualy get weaned and males separated out at 5 weeks), she got stressed and her immune system weakened. Or she had a genetic defect that you couldn't see from bad breeding. I am terribly sorry, its horribly to lose one so young :(

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