Hi everyone! I have a rat named Mufin who is almost 2.5 years old! She has a ping pong sized growth in her intestinal area that I’ve known about for a few months now. Due to her age, I decided not to remove it, especially because it wasn’t causing any discomfort or affecting her lifestyle at all.
Today, Mufin had a short fall off the couch onto our linoleum floors. She didn’t squeak or anything and when I gave her a once over she didn’t seem to have any reactions to me touching her legs/arms/paws etc. But after that, she started doing EXTREMELY severe owie stretches. She’s been doing them for about 30 minutes now, and is clearly in a lot of pain and unlike herself.
I’m wondering if the owie stretches were possibly caused by her drop? Or if the drop exacerbated her tumor? Or if the drop was unrelated and her tumor is just starting to cause more severe problems?
I made an appointment for the vet, but they’re closed today, so the earliest would be Monday (two days from now).
Obviously I don’t expect anyone to know for sure, but I thought I would try to get some opinions from my fellow rat owners! Thanks everyone
Today, Mufin had a short fall off the couch onto our linoleum floors. She didn’t squeak or anything and when I gave her a once over she didn’t seem to have any reactions to me touching her legs/arms/paws etc. But after that, she started doing EXTREMELY severe owie stretches. She’s been doing them for about 30 minutes now, and is clearly in a lot of pain and unlike herself.
I’m wondering if the owie stretches were possibly caused by her drop? Or if the drop exacerbated her tumor? Or if the drop was unrelated and her tumor is just starting to cause more severe problems?
I made an appointment for the vet, but they’re closed today, so the earliest would be Monday (two days from now).
Obviously I don’t expect anyone to know for sure, but I thought I would try to get some opinions from my fellow rat owners! Thanks everyone