Sending them off...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2009
Tomorrow two of the little girls are going to their new home.
They are almost six weeks, and a very sweet little pair they chose.
Any pointers or last minute advice before sending them off?
I have checked out the adopters of course.
A mother came today with her son, about ten or eleven, to chose the two that they wanted.
He very gently held all of them, gave them treats, and handled them before making his decission, and chose a baige capped/spotted, and a blue veriberk.
Suggest they sign a contract, specifying the care you expect and that they agreed to provide. Include a nonbreeding clause and specify contact/updates and a return clause.
I got all of that printed out already.

Two of my lovely girls were picked up by their new family today, a mother and two children who had come over and chosen two in advance.
I am happy they are in a good new home and that they will be taken care of, but honestly, it is pretty sad
I can imagine it being sad and hard on your heart strings. Just take comfort in knowing that you gave them an awesome home and that they're going to be in a nice permanent home with people who will hopefully care for them as you did.

Moon said:
It is nice to send babies home with some blankies that smell like mom and littermates :)

I did! Haha
I took the fleece from moms' cage and cut it into pieces, one for each pair of rats.
I gave her a new one of course:p

Four boys just left about five minutes ago. The people were gonna come get them on the 25 but they couldn't wait and they called and asked if a few dyas early would be okay. They were going to take just two - but they got so excited when they saw how friendly the boys all were. They had reserved two by picture, but didn't expect them to be as friendly as they are. They couldn't resist the agouti hooded boy and the little BEW. They brought the cage they planned to used, and a camera to show us pictures of the retired feeder-breeding females that they had adopted. They had a four year old son - and though I was wary - he proved to be exceptionally great in handling the rats. He let them crawl all about his sweater, laughing and petting them. They talked my ear off about the HUGE cages that they bought, and showed me pictures of their rats/rat room. They told me that I could come and visit the babies, and that whever I asked they will email me pictures/updates. They came into my rat room for about half an hour and we talked about beddings, foods, etc.
They told me right off the bat what they plan to feed them, use for bedding, what they wanted to name the two they had pre-reserved and what vet they plan to have them neutered at.
They seemed very nice and their rats looked 100% spoiled.

Yes, I am very sad to let so many go in one day, but so happy that they were getting such great homes!
Thanks LA,
I was really concerned about finding homes for them because most of the original adopters got impatient and went to the pet store!
But, I realise now that the homes I found are probably much better than the original homes anyways.
Two more boys are leaving in about two days.
I am relieved that for these two I won't have to worry about screening or a contract or anything, because the adopter is a family friend whom I know very well.
She has had rats before, and I remember her taking good care of them.
Not to mention they had mice up until recently (the mice got old and passed) and now they say they are ready for rats, and I am ready to be the one who gives them friends.
It's great that you waited for such good homes. It is hard enough parting with them anyway, but at least you have all the signs that these little ones are going to be loved.
That is my main concern, I can't bear the thought of adopting out to someone who is going to be a great owner for a few months then get bored and start neglecting the little guys.
A good number of the adopters are people who don't have room for a dog but do have time, money, and love for one; for them I would say a rat is perfect!

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