seizures and respiratory infection =[

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Active Member
Oct 17, 2011
San Antonio, Texas
I just lost one of my boys (duke) to a respiratory infection a few days ago.=[ (Rest in peace buddy)He was on Baytril and Doxy. I have two other guys (henry an william) around 3 years old, and they have been on baytril and doxy also. Lately, however, Will has been acting very odd. He isn't interested in food (he used to hoard everything) and now he is very distant and scared of us and any noises. He also seems very restless. A few days ago after his bath, he started having what we thought may have been a seizure. Worried, we researched and discovered that it could be due to his illness. Just about an hour ago, I took him out of his cage to give him his doxy and yet again he had another seizure ( and I'm sure it was a seizure this time, and it was the second one I have ever recorded with him). I'm afraid to put him on any more medication because he is already on the doxy and has just gotten a Revolution treatment for lice about 4 days ago. I don't know what I should do. Has anyone dealt with this? =[ Does anyone have any advice?
Did he start the seizures after the Revolution? Although at 3 years of age it could just be old age taking over your boy.
How much Revolution did you give? Your description makes it sound like it could be a pituitary tumour though, and seizures would fit that. Does he have any issues with balance, weight loss, grooming, or holding food?
I apologize guys, the medication was actually Ivermectin .1MG/ML. The vet administered one drop behind both ears on William and Henry. Will had the first seizure a night before he was administered the Ivermectin. He is having problems with walking and holding food, however. It also seems like he cannot smell. He used to go crazy over the smell of peanut butter, but now he seems to not even notice it when we wave it right i front of him. He also does the head-bump when you pet him, and also seems to be drinking (only when I put the bottle to his mouth) Can that tumor be treated?
There is athe "annoyed get off of my head" bump, and then there's the involuntary bump they do with PT. At his age you could try adding a steroid to see if it improves the quality of his life but its only temporary, but then again at 3 years of age, everything is temporary.
lilspaz68 said:
There is athe "annoyed get off of my head" bump, and then there's the involuntary bump they do with PT. At his age you could try adding a steroid to see if it improves the quality of his life but its only temporary, but then again at 3 years of age, everything is temporary.
I'm going to take him in to see about a steroid then, but if worse comes to worse and he continues declining, should I get him put to sleep? I've heard horror stories about methods used to euthanize a pet rat, and I just need some reassurance that it can be done humanely. Of all the vet offices I have been to in San Antonio, none seem to be really caring of rats. I've never had to put down a tatty before =/
You could ask the vet his methods of euthanasia. You could also ask him if he could use gas before administrating the injection.
But... I rarely had to put a rat down for PT. they decline and pass on their own, and it's rare do they seen in pain with it.
Please See: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=9582

I have had many rats with pt put to sleep.
It depends on how the pt is affecting them .... if they seem to be suffering or are having respir then my vet puts them to sleep humanely while I am present and holding my rattie..
SQ said:
Please See: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=9582

I have had many rats with pt put to sleep.
It depends on how the pt is affecting them .... if they seem to be suffering or are having respir then my vet puts them to sleep humanely while I am present and holding my rattie..

I'm worried about William. The Vet said he didn't think that Will has a PT however I may have to take him in later this week to be put to sleep, but I'm really hoping I won't have to. Lately, he hasn't been eating much at all and is losing weight rapidly. I've tried baby food, fresh veggies, fruit...just about anything and everything and he will take a couple bites then start cleaning his face and walks away from the food.His respiratory infection seems to be getting worse. I am supposed to get a call back from the vet around 10 today to see if there's any other medication he can try. I just feel so guilty and sad all the time because I just cant get him better. My boy, Duke, who had passed away from respiratory distress was in much worse condition, yet he still ate and drank. I don't understand.
Don't feel guilty, you did a fantastic job when they reach 3 years old. Just see him as an old man now and all the diseases and problems of old age. Then you give him the best gift of all if they need to leave you. Huge hugs. I feel your pain.
Yes, please don't feel guilty! If he won't eat the food you're giving him, that's just the way it is. If he's not eating or drinking though, I would probably have him PTS. Pituitary tumours affect the brain - he may not be feeling hungry any more, or it may be affecting his ability to smell which will also lead to not eating. Three years old is OLD for a rattie! You've obviously done a great job taking care of him this long. You just can't win against Mother Nature......
Sorry :(
Thank you guys for all of your support. William ate some granola and some shaved almonds this morning before his Baytil (something he hasn't done in a few days). He has one more vet visit scheduled for this Saturday to see if he is improving. If not, we've already asked that they use anesthesia and a cardiac injection, and they told us it would not be a problem. I'm praying he's gained a little weight back; he still has that fighting look in his eyes. I'm worried that if he goes, Henry will be very lonely. Our vet suggested that we do not try and integrate a newcomer to the cage, however, because Henry's respiration infection is also not improving. I will keep everyone updated about William's status. Thank you again so much for the support. It really is getting me through this hard time. :nod:

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