Schnitzel bites again...

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Senior Member
Aug 5, 2014
So this is the second time in the past month that schnitzel has aggressively bit me but this time he got my palm and it is swollen and hurts like a mother....I am long over due for a tetanus shot and have had a few people mention I should get one because he keeps biting me.....He desperately needs a neuter that we can't afford right now so what do I do with him? should I stop letting him have free time since that is when he bites me when I go to put him back in his cage or start picking him up with a towel or something?


Each time he gets a bite in, he's rewarded by getting what he set out to do. So the main thing here is not letting him bite you anymore. He can have out time but not with you around. When he needs to be picked up, entice him into a box and carry him that way. Or use a very thick towel to scoop him up. Be very careful not to let him bite you. But do hand him treats, and be near him, talk to him, sing to him. Bring him fun stuff, yummy stuff.
How old is he?
He still needs to get out and run around, so I would probably try the towel trick unless you can lure him back to his cage with treats. My rats get their bowl of treats at the end of out time to round everyone up and make them happy to be back in their cage.
And yes, since a rat bite is a deep puncture wound, an up-to-date tetanus shot is a must.
he just turned a year old on march 8th....I will put the tetanus shot on my to do list for next week and go get one I assume the local health department will do it for cheap :) Still swollen but not as red anymore...still hurts like a mother...He just keeps getting progressively worse. He used to be just aggressive toward other animals but now it is turning into something more serious...
Yes he desperately needs neutered but I wanna get him and his brother done at the same time because they are cage mates and his brother is a bit hormonal as well but not have as bad as schnitzel..