Saffi and Fable

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Toronto, Canada, Earth
My coffee rats aren't doing so hot. they are still "healthy" and happy and bright-eyed and active but Saffi has that mammary tumour and I just found an inguinal one starting...sigh. Fable I noticed keeps getting this scab by her nose (same spot every time). Her cheek looks a tiny bit different than her other one and its a hard feeling (bone or hard tissue). Today I saw a little bit of blood in her ear and took a good look inside. she has a tumour in there blocking the bottom of her ear. :( Doesn't seem to be painful but what do you recommend? Put her on baytril and dex or maybe metacam for swelling? Or should I just leave it alone?

Here you can see the asymmetry of her face head on, and the scab on the left side of her nose

And here's the polyp or tumour or whatever...

Poor old snake babies :( 32 months old now.
Try the Baytril and Dex. According to RatGuide Dex is a cleaner, longer lasting med than Pred. You see what Pred's done for Penn. We're going on what.. 4-5mo of this stuff, and she's doing amazing. It's worth a shot. It's just going to delay the inevitable, but maybe for a good while longer.
Yeah I started her on her cocktail.

I also looked more into auricular and nasophangeal polyps and thats definitely what she has. She is lucky there's no pus or infection or head tilt, maybe I caught it a little early?
Icky, poor Fable.

Stu has an inguinal tumor too, along with one on her side. We had one removed a while back and some have returned, vet agreed its best not to operate as the one feels lobulated. I know how ya feel.

Give the ladies snuggles and kisses.

Might want to try Fable on some ab's too, not only because of the pred but if those type are prone to infection.
Fable is getting baytril and dex now...we'll see if it makes her more comfortable...although she's not showing signs of discomfort, but then maybe its mild and the surcease of them will show me a different girl.
sigh, the dex is slowing things down but the polyp is growing and I think she has a nasophangeal one as well as her face looks uneven on that side.
Still eating, grooming and happy though.

Astrid sent my oldies a couple of cubes with lower entrances for those compromised rats of ours. I was just asking how difficult it would be to do for the oldies.

I am putting Saff and Fable back on fleece today, Saffi's tumour is starting to look like its rubbing :(
