RIP Gem - MC possibly confirmed :(

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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
Kingston, Ontario
So, my friend Karoline and I were getting some pics of her rats last night. We've been chatting with Lindsay since if we're right on the sexes, she will be taking in our little girl (and we'll be finding another little boy). Well, while getting the pics we've noticed their poop is soft and sometimes runny, and light (sort of a teddy bear tan for anyone knowing it LOL) color to it too, and we think we saw a mite on the one (little orange/tan thing we think was crawling on him). So, two questions I am hoping to ask.

With the mites, I believe it is Revolution I remember everyone using for mites? There are at least two, possibly three, vets here in Kingston who deal with "exotics" and "pocket pets" (one of which treated Karoline's ferret twice for a stomach infection successfully and told her he'd do surgery if necessary). So, I'm sure I can find someone, but just wanting to arm myself with all the info I can if we're going to take him in (my sister-in-law is a vet tech in Ottawa and can most likely get me what I'd need)...just need the info :nod:

As for the poop....Both were pet store rats she bought (I tried convincing her of some cuties on kijiji but we got supplies and she fell in love with these two) so they've been switched from seed stuff and shavings to fleece/carefresh and Oxbow and veggies (I'm grabbing a bag of Extrusion to mix this afternoon) so I assume their digestive systems are still adjusting? They've been living here a week now, so not sure how long that process takes or if this is something I should be worried about??

My last worry might be just my own paranoia....but our boy has a blaze and some chub on him...


Can't see his body too much...Wish I'd gotten the one of him last night literally sitting human style on Karoline's hand :giggle: But, anyway....The possibility of MC scares the crap outta me...and he is chubby for a young boy, in my opinion I'm just wondering any signs I should be looking out for in specific...He seems a bit 'off' to me but it could be from the poop and mites as well bothering him.

Thank you!!
If you can see little orange buggies, definitely treat them and any rats they have come into contact with with revolution asap. Mites are nasty.

Pale poops are healthy, in my book. The best rat poop is poop that dries to almost the same color as their block, because that should be the primary component of it. Consistent diarrhea can be treated with the brat diet(Bananas, rice(pref brown), applesauce, and toast), and or soda crackers, and check often to be sure they aren't dehydrated.

We have three girls now with suspicious markings, and were watching one of them like a hawk for months out of fear she had late onset. She seems to be doing ok now, but boy was she a super constipated 6month old! Good source of information on symptoms to watch for here: Do you know where he came from, or anyone who has littermates of his? The danger increases significantly if any of his litter have suffered from it, I believe.
Is it the kitten brand for the Revolution, and any different dosing? Can the mites jump animal to animal, cuz she has a few cats and a dog, although they are rarely in my room where they are kept...Should I be hot water washing my and their bedding they've been on too?

My rats have always had darker raisins so the color threw me...but it's very runny...Should I start the brat diet now, or give them some more time to adjust first? Do I just mush that stuff together or just be giving it to them however?

They came from Pet finding other litter mates would be very hard. I even mentioned it to the girl we were talking with at the store and she'd never heard of MC and said she'd gotten a couple from that litter that seemed fine...There were a few with the same types of markings but he was the only one left when she bought them and is why she bought him...Thanks so much for the link!!!

I looked at the link and those poor pics...Would some good body pics posted help maybe? I mean, it could be from the diet change too...but I said it makes me sooo paranoid...
Kitten or cat kind of Revolution would be fine, but definitely not a whole you know their weights? With their weights, someone can help you figure out the proper dosages.
definitely need more pics...and for now if you are concerned about MC, don't change their diet anymore...if it is MC you could make it much worse when trying to get those stools to harden. I like my poops a lighter brown, but not really light and not runny. That can be the body's way of trying to move poops through the system if there's a problem.

Kitten/Puppy, Cat or even Dog is fine for Revo. Dog is just twice as strong so you can give less. Those guys are very small so they need a teeny amount. And no the lice (mites are microscopic so its not them) aren't transmittable to the other animals or humans, only to other rats.
lilspaz68 said:
definitely need more pics...and for now if you are concerned about MC, don't change their diet anymore...if it is MC you could make it much worse when trying to get those stools to harden. I like my poops a lighter brown, but not really light and not runny. That can be the body's way of trying to move poops through the system if there's a problem.

Kitten/Puppy, Cat or even Dog is fine for Revo. Dog is just twice as strong so you can give less. Those guys are very small so they need a teeny amount. And no the lice (mites are microscopic so its not them) aren't transmittable to the other animals or humans, only to other rats.

Kay, will get some more pics tonight and post em. I'm getting some Extrusion today/tomorrow to mix in with the Oxbow we had bought them as I think they're getting picky with it already...I'll wait to get some pics and such before doing the 'brat' diet idea.

Oh, did not know mites were microscopic...but so good to know they won't jump animal to animal and such.

temblabamomo said:
Kitten or cat kind of Revolution would be fine, but definitely not a whole you know their weights? With their weights, someone can help you figure out the proper dosages.

No clue on the weights, would a cheap food scale of some sort be a good way to weigh them? I could probably grab one this weekend from Walmart or something??
Today was busy busy busy so will get some pics tomorrow. Also gunna see about calling one of the vets and asking my mom about getting the kitten Revolution. Looking for a food scale possibly tomorrow as well.

So, I think my suspicions were confirmed in an unfortunate way this morning. Karoline and I stayed up all night and watched the Royal Wedding and headed to get a few hours sleep around 9AM. I found little Gem (our most likely boy pictured above) curled up on one of the levels and gone. :sad3: I obviously can't confirm it was from MC but my feelings is that is was....
I'm keeping an eye on the girl. She isn't bloated in any way (doesn't have HW markings, but same litter so don't know if that makes a difference) but I haven't been able to get a good look to know her poop and get a good look at her skin for lice (although if we're keeping her I'll definitely be getting some to treat anyway, hopefully I can get some in any case asap). I'm not sure what Karoline wants to do now (still have Lindsay take her in and either let it go for now, or get boys, or just find another girl).
Aw, poor little guy - that is so sad. He was a cutie. =( And, as far as I know, if anyone in the litter is high white, all are at risk for MC? But I could be wrong there.

And, just to clarify, Lice are visible and species specific. So, if there are visible buggies, the dogs and cats are probably safe. Mites are microscopic and NOT necessarily species specific, so if they are scabby and itchy with no visible bugs, you should treat the whole household. =)
He was a friendly little baby too. :cry:
hmm k, we are pretty well positive we saw a little crawler on him the other night. hmmm I'm hoping the MC was isolated from her.....
It's rare but not unheard of for a non-high white rat to have Megacolon. That being said, it is rare where an entire litter of high-white babies all get MC. Definitely keep an eye on her (I would also read up on the Woody Diet on Rat Guide in case you need to switch to it) but I would say it's unlikely that she will develop it.
I had checked about this particular fear for "normal" non-high-white babies in a seems that the babies with the markings are more likely to contract it over the "normal" babies but of course just keep an eye out.

I am so very very sorry about Gem. :sad3:
The general rule is any rats in a family tree of a rat with MC shouldn't be bred again - not that you're even remotely considering that, of course!

I'm so, so sorry to hear about Gem. HW markings absolutely suck - I was on tenterhooks for months with Cera, and will probably always keep an eye out on her digestion (she's HW, her brother died from MC but she doesn't have it).
M0onkist said:
The general rule is any rats in a family tree of a rat with MC shouldn't be bred again - not that you're even remotely considering that, of course!

I'm so, so sorry to hear about Gem. HW markings absolutely suck - I was on tenterhooks for months with Cera, and will probably always keep an eye out on her digestion (she's HW, her brother died from MC but she doesn't have it).

Oh heck no, I would never breed any rats no matter what. I'm hoping the girl is exempt from this disaster. She has a slimmer body frame, but I'm keeping a close eye on her.

Thank you hun, I am hoping maybe this girl is from another litter but I think the store gets them from the same place, so they're probably all related in any case. So happy Cera has been fortunate.

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