respiratory problem ! How long for meds to kick in?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2009
Ottawa, Canada
Thursday I got Clavamox with doxy for Lollipop's respiratory issues and haven't been able to get her to take it until finally tonight (Saturday) she had her first full dose. But also tonight for the first time I'm seeing some poly around one eye and can hear a whistle sound often when she breaths. I'm worried about her now. This is new.. before she only made the whistle sound breathing when sniffing something unusual.

Fortunately she did just have a full dose (4cc) but I'm wondering how long it takes for this stuff to kick in usually? I hope this antibiotic will work. I hope we're not too late. Can someone advise? I'm very worried about her.
I could probably get baytril from the vet when he's back in on Tuesday. In the meantime, how long does it usually take for antibioitics to kick in? If the clavamox with doxy does work for my girl, would I be seeing the improvement in one or two days?

also, i'm not sure how to determine how serious her condition is. I know respiratory problems are one of the top killer diseases in rats, so I am taking this very seriously. But she might not be so bad as I fear at this point. How can I judge? What are the other symptoms/signs that indicate I'd better bring her in now?
With Clavamox, you might not see any improvements but if your rat is one of the lucky ones and it works on her, then you should see an improvement within a week.

A serious case of URI, you would see her looking bad off. Dirty or puffy coat, loss of appetite, no energy, listless, laboured breathing.
Random question, since we're sort of talking about it.

In order to get Baytril from a vet, would they just sell it to you if you walked in and asked them? Or would you have to take the ratty in so they could check her out first.

$75 to bring my ratty into the vet, but if I know what's wrong it would be nice to skip that fee and just pay for the meds.

(nothing is out of the ordinary, just curious)
Vets are legally not allowed to prescribe you meds without first seeing the animal. This could be really dangerous as YOU could think your rat has a URI, and needs Baytril, but without a vet check you'll never know if it's something completely different.
Alright, I was thinking that would be the answer, but I wasn't sure how 'serious' or 'dangerous' Baytril would be considered. (i've never had a ratty who needed meds) Ty ^^
There has been a few times when I thought my rat had something but once at the vet, it was something entirely different. So it is better to go see the vet.
Looks like I have some baytril leftover from a few weeks ago. If I switch my girls to baytril, is it safe to give them baytril the day after having given them clavamox + doxy ? That is, should I be waiting in between when switching meds?
Aye, I suppose I worded the question wrong. I don't have an official vet that I go to - I just know one that I'm able to go to that has current ratty patients. Anyways, not going to ramble, my question was answered. I wouldn't self-diagnose any of my lovies.

Chris - what vet do you go to? Sorry I can't answer your question and not meaning to steal your thread from you. Noticed you're in Ottawa. :wink:
Seems both girls have stopped hiccupping, so I'm seeing some progress. But Lollipop still has a whistle sound when she's sniffing stuff. I hear it often enough that I think she should still be on meds for a while.

I've switched to baytril as of this morning, and have a question about dosage. I've got two containers of Baytril left over from the past few weeks. They list different doses, and I'm not sure if it comes to the same thing or if one of them is wrong. Can someone who understands the math and doses for meds comment please?

The first one says:
Baytril 150mg (2pill)
and the dose is .3mls twice daily

The second one says:
enrofoxacin (15ml) 10mg/ml suspension
and the dose is .5ml twice daily

Thanks in advance!
The first one does not make sense. ml is a measure of volumn. Were you to crush the pill (drug stores sell pill crushers) and mix it with a certain amount of liquid?
If one pill is 150 mg, then if you crush one pill and mix in into 3 ml of distilled water (or orasweet if you can get some from a drug store) the strength will be 50mg/ml.
0.1 ml would be 5mg of baytril. If you want to give 5 mg of baytril, which is the stength of the second one you mentioned, then you would give 0.1 ml of this solution.

The second is 5 mg of baytril. I assume you were told to give 5 ml?

I give 10 mg of baytril per 454.4 g (1 Ib) of rat. If you let us know how much each rat weighs, we can figure out the dosage for you.
You will need to check the expiratory date on the baytril .... usually meds mixed up are only good for 14 days if in the fridge.

I give rats clavamox + baytril. The clavamox is good for secondary infections and baytril is good for both but better for myco.
Since it sounds like your girls are responding to the clavamox, I would suggest you treat them with both clavamox + baytril for 6 weeks.
I am not a vet and you will want to discuss this with a vet.
SQ said:
I give rats clavamox + baytril. The clavamox is good for secondary infections and baytril is good for both but better for myco.
Since it sounds like your girls are responding to the clavamox, I would suggest you treat them with both clavamox + baytril for 6 weeks.
I am not a vet and you will want to discuss this with a vet.

This is the second time that a member mentions Baytril in combo with clavamox/amoxicillin. This might be something I need to mention to my vet, give it a try with my chronics.
SQ said:
The first one does not make sense. ml is a measure of volumn. Were you to crush the pill (drug stores sell pill crushers) and mix it with a certain amount of liquid?

No. This was given to me in liquid form. I just copied the info off the label. Sorry I don't have further info than that.

The solution is about two weeks old at this point, and has been stored in the fridge. I'll check for an expiration date when I get home tonight.

Re: the second one, yes I was told to give .5ml. This one has not been refridgerated. I will also check expiration date on this.

My girls weigh 420g and 530g.


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