resp distress

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Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Hi I have my rat Dawn here with me, unfortunately my old girl has an appointment tomorrow to be pts. So while we were cuddling and saying goodbye shes gone into severe respiratory distress, shes gasping for air, having panic attacks. A little side note, I'm almost 100% positive this is NOT a uri she has had aggressive mammary gland tumors and this is her third fight with them, the previous ones were removed but this ones attached to her chest and throat and the vet doesn't recommend surgery, I've got her set up in a small cage with a towel over it and a bowl of steaming water beside her trying to get her to breathe and it seems to help a little, but only a little and for a little. I'm afraid to put her back in the cage and her dying painfully and alone. Any thoughts on how I can help this poor girl through the night?
If it is not because of a URI or lung problem I don't know what to suggest other than calling an emergency vet and then, meanwhile, just stroking her gently to help calm her. It is an awful situation to be in.
If it is a respir prob you could give her a tiny piece of dark chocolate to try to open her airway.
Good if steam is helping ... sometimes it helps, other times it makes breathing more difficult

What meds to you have availabe? Steriods and puffers sometimes help. Post on here and people can likely give you dosing info.

If possible, take her in to an emergency vet or vet on call to be humanely pts.
You will need to make sure it is done humanely as most vets don't know how. (See viewtopic.php?f=26&t=9582 )
Stay with her if possible

Gas + oxygen as if having surgery, then when deeply unconscious given needle to pts .... rat is kept unconscious until dead so humane

So very sorry
From what you are describing, it could very well be agonal breathing which usually happens near death... Even a rat with a pituitary tumour can go through this.
I'm really sorry...
I am so sorry. Sometimes the best thing to do in these situations is just give them your support and stay with them.
Well my little girl made it through the night, she actually looks really awesome right now, shes in the food bowl!!! I haven't seen her eating in a few days, shes been taking the ensure but it seems like solid foods are hard for her to handle. I gave her a shot of my blue puffer last night and it temporarily stopped the gasping.

I'm having such a hard time with this though :( With all my ratties I've had put to sleep I've never questioned if I'm doing the right thing because they are clearly suffering. With Dawn, I mean she had her episode last night but this morning shes alert and in her food bowl... Is it time to let her go? if your rat had a tumor on their throat and chest when would you call it quits? Should I let her go with some dignity or do i wait until it's really bad... I'm ready to let her go today if that's what needs to be done... I just feel bad, what if she still had a few more good days left you know :( I hate making this decision

Thanks for everyones advice.
It sounds like it was really bad for her last night.
I am sure you do not want her to go through that again, and she will if what is wrong can't be treated.
As mamarat said, discuss it all with your vet today when you have your apt and make the best decision you can for your little girl.
That is all any of us can do.
It is really hard, but I personally have found that I would rather let them go (be pts) a bit too soon then wait a bit too long.

I am very sorry
I'm glad your girl made it through the night. Usually I find that they will crash again after they bounce back. If she has another night like the last one, will you feel OK about it? She may be in distress when there's nothing you can do for her. However, it's your call, you know her best...
Sorry :(
Dawn was put to sleep yesterday :sad3: I spoke with my vet about it and I realized that I would much rather have her go on a good day when we spent all morning cuddling, and she was happily bruxxing away... I didn't want to find her blue and struggling to breathe, I didn't want to have that emergency panic and rushing her to the vets while shes suffering. I hope I made the best decision for my little girl, Thank you everyone for your advice and help.
Littlefizz said:
Dawn was put to sleep yesterday :sad3: I spoke with my vet about it and I realized that I would much rather have her go on a good day when we spent all morning cuddling, and she was happily bruxxing away... I didn't want to find her blue and struggling to breathe, I didn't want to have that emergency panic and rushing her to the vets while shes suffering. I hope I made the best decision for my little girl, Thank you everyone for your advice and help.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Hang in there Littlefizz.... we have all been there and know exactly how much it hurts.

You did the right thing. There is nothing worse than suffocating to death and when the meds stop helping, there is nothing more we can do other than to do the hugely unselfish act of giving them a kind and painless passing to the Bridge. :love6:
So sorry for your loss :hugs: RIP Dawn. For what it's worth, I think you made the right decision. Like jennifervb said, it's much better for them, though harder for us often, to let them go when they're happy and doing well rather than when suddenly they start struggling for air. Like you mentioned, Dawn had a good end to her life, rather than a scary one.
I'm sorry you had to say goodbye to your rattie. I have been in the exact situation a couple of times. I would not want them to suffocate to death, so I feel it is much kinder to PTS before they have another bad episode. It sucks either way... :(

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