Reoccuring UTI

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Active Member
Oct 29, 2007
Minnesota, USA
I do believe my hairless has another UTI. I anm confused as to why she always gets them. Or could it be a different problelm. So far i have it narrowed dowwn to Sadie my hiarless and Auden my Agouti Masked. I am wondering if it is Sadie.. would spaying reduce the UTI or even have an effect?? I cannot afford to spay everbody right away.. but over a few months maybe. So really i am asking beside the mamarry tumor would Spaying help her with the UTI?
I don't know if a spay would reduce the chances of getting a UTI. I can't see it being related either. I know in males a neuter does help reducing the chances of UTI because of how their reproductive system works inside... maybe it's the same for a rat? You should call your vet to find out. Also mention how this is recurring and what does he recommend.
I get UTIs all the time and for no reason, my doctor can't figure it out, my mother used to as well but my sister doesn't at all.. so its a bit odd. Cranberry extract is known to help with them as it does something to your bladder to prevent the bacteria from sticking or something. You may want to ask your vet if you can add that as a preventative measure, you can get pills with powder inside. Its unfortunate that you can't do a urine sample to find out the exact bacteria, but it needs to be a clean catch and I don't know how you could even go about doing that in a rat.
She has been on meds twice. But she did go to the vet and as she was being examined the vet felt a lump which she believes to be a Ovarian Cyst or tumor. I am looking around for a Vet that will do surgery as the main vet i see does not feel comfortable doing it.
Does she have any other issues besides the lump where the ovary is?

An ovarian cyst should not cause a urinary tract infection and in rats the ovaries are too far away from the bladder to press on it. Are you seeing blood in the urine? Does the urine have an unusual smell or color?

Her urine is tinted red. Its almost an orangy color on paper towels. but there are some very dark red spots in the cage from her. as for other issues no

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