Removed Tumor

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Aug 21, 2010
This monday my rattie had an operation to remove her tumor, last night I noticed that the stitches on both end were dissappearing, but it's not like a rip or anything, no signs of blood but today I have noticed an infection in the wound. The vet prescribed baytril for her he asked me to call him if anything was wrong, but he will not be there till monday! Should I just keep giving her the baytril once a day until monday? I really don't want anything bad to happen to her!!
I would suggest that you keep an eye on it and continue the baytril until you can reach your vet on Monday.
From what you have written, I assume that the wound is not open and she still has stiches in.

When you talk to your vet, you might ask about clavamox as it is good for skin infections.

How long ago did she have surgery?
Do you know how much she weighs, the strength of the baytril and the amount you are giving?

(I am not a vet)
I will I was just freaking
I will give you some feedback on how things are going!

Thank you for the reply you don't know how much this means to me!!!
Rachael said:
Keep us updated on her.

Are you sure there's infection? Can you smell it?

This is a good point,the area around tumors is often fat, which looks TERRIBLE when you see it(same thing when you clean out an abscess, all that open flesh and fat is scary looking). Is it red and swollen around the incision? Is there Green **** coming out of it? When you smell it(weird, I know), does it make you want to lose your lunch? If the answers to some or all of these questions is true, then it might be infected.

Rats chew out their stitches, and stitches are often dissolving. Our vet glues neuters and tumor removals after doing dissolvable internal stitches, and sometimes they lick and the glue comes undone, but they heal SO fast, it usually closes right back up.

If you're still worried before monday, try posting a pic of the affected area on here and we can weigh in more effectively. =)
I meant to write back sooner but by saturday the infection started dissappearing and yeah it was smelling weird. But that smell was there since before the tumor operation but the tumor was huge because the vet didn't want to remove and it grew so big I begged the vet to remove it. The stiches are all gone it except for one and everything seems to be very good. I'm glad because she is my angel!

Thanks for everything

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