Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm not sure whats going on with my Suki. She is pretty much trying to die on me every month or so now. She was 700 grams (I know much to large) Then out of no where she went right down to the 450 gram area within a month, her blood had urine in it and I thought I was going to lose her for sure. I got her on doxy and bayril for a respiratory infection, mixing it with ensure and making sure she ate a lot of that everyday, she now weighs 550grams so they weight loss isn't a problem anymore. The vets not sure why her urine had traces of blood in it but that was a while ago so she seems to have gotten over that. Now her respiratory is getting bad again and shes got this weird sore right beside her genitals. It doesn't look like an abscess, mind you I've never really dealt with those on my rats before. But its not really swollen in that area like an abscess it looked scaby yesterday and now it looks kind of oozy, I'm going to try to get a picture of it on here. Its just a little red lump, the size of a pea, it doesn't seem to be bothering her too much. I'm going to get her to the vets asap obviously but I can't really afford it atm. I have things I can try to use to treat it for the time being I just want some advice on if I should be using it. I have betadine solution, from a rat who had a really bad injury recently, would that be okay to apply to the wound until I can get her to the vet?