Reaching The Animal Mind

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Loving rats since 2002.
Jul 20, 2007
Northeastern Ontario
If you want to read a really superbly good book on animals and how to reach them, I highly recommend Reaching The Animal Mind by Karen Pryor.
Karen Pryor pretty much wrote the book(s) on clicker training but this one she explains how it works. My vet recommended this book to me so I can work on my dog's anxiety issues with going to the vet.
But while reading this book I realized the great potential it holds with rats. I'm not talking doing tricks. I'm talking conditioning the mind to not perceive another rat as a threat.
My sister has been having a hard time getting one rat Neko to accept Bruno and vice versa. So I asked her to try positive reinforcement while conditioning the mind. Nic didn't want to use a traditional clicker because it's much too loud and it would simply scare the rats who are already highly stressed out due to intros. So she uses her tongue to click. She decided to work on Neko primarily because he was the mischievous little devil who at times would even bite her. So what she did, she waited to shape Neko into the behaviour. Neko would walk up to Bruno, and with the slightest head turn away from Bruno, she would click and treat. Pieces of pumpkin seeds are a high value treat for Neko. (probably most rats. lol) She worked on those movements to the point where Neko would go sniff Bruno and immediately turn to Nic at the click for his treat. She has not yet put a cue to that, probably something like "leave it" might be a good cue. She also got him to sniff her hand and turn away where before he would end up biting her. Now he sniffs, turns, click, treat for turning away.
She then decided it was time to work on Bruno... sure enough, it works. All in a matter of a couple of days and short sessions. Both Bruno and Neko will sniff each other and turn away, then click and treat. It's really amazing at how fast this worked and how well it's going.
That is GREAT Jo...that is what positive training is all about....changing the way of thinking. I used clicker training to recondition a horse who had gotten into the habit of nipping people when they stood at her stall know time at all you could see a huge difference in this girl when people approached....
that's awesome!!
I've use click training on my aussie I had a few years ago and it's was great :)

you need to tell us more about the progress!
At work, because clickers bug me, I use a simple marker word, but it is the same thing.
I LOVE karen pryor, she is my hero as a behaviorist.
The Other End of the Leash is a really good look at the way humans react to dogs and so on.

Also, Leader of the Pack is a great book.. And I think every puppy owner should have a copy of Puppy Primer. It give an in depth look at why puppies do the things they do, and how to teach them not to.
I'll definitely keep you posted.
Dahlas, that's awesome!
This method of training has been known for such a long time so it blows my mind why some trainers still choose to use fear, pain and intimidation to train.
The gang is finally all living together. This has been a long time coming. Nic adopted Neko back in July when lilspaz and eagle came for a visit. Nic's been trying ever since to get the two only males to get along: Neko and Bruno along with female residents. Bruno has a history of being a loner, he comes from the Hoodrat Rodent Rescue in London.
The boys have learned through clicker training to move away from each other and they got a treat. It worked like a charm. The boys would go sniff, turn get a treat, so intros were actually an awesome thing. Nic had "off" for a cue which worked pretty good, but then she dropped the cue when it was no longer needed. So now the 6 rats, Bruno, Neko, Brie, Sloan, Dee, Gemma all are together at last. The End. :)
Bruno the double rex and Neko the rex.


Cage buddies
Oh wow, that is incredible!

Makes me wonder if there is hope for Crass and Paya after all...
Do you think you or Nic would write a more detailed account on how to use this method for intros?
It's really easy and you don't need a clicker, you can click with your tongue. And you can do this anytime, not just with intros, you can teach them this during out time too.

Have your rats out together. When one rat goes to sniff the other, if there's a slight turn of the head, click and treat the rat that turned. Make sure it's a high value treat, even if you must use sunflower seeds. Then wait until again, a rat goes to sniff another, if he turns away, click and treat. Treat immediately after the click. They must connect the two. The click will signify treat is coming. You keep doing this until you see the rat going to the other rat sniff and immediately turn waiting for his click and treat. Keep doing that every day. After the rats consistently move away from each other, just before you click, as they turn away, you say "off", then click then treat. Do this each and every time. If they go sniff the other rat and doesn't turn away, no clicking, no treats. So you'll have to watch them closely, cause you want to "catch" them doing it.

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