Well-Known Member
My poor boy Oskar started acting strangely last night - he's become quite lethargic. Normally he'd spend the better part of the day running around with his brother, but since late last night, he's mostly just been laying around flat as a pancake in his cage. In particular he seems to be favouring the corner of his top shelf where he's laying on his belly, with his head and front legs hanging low over the edge of the shelf. He won't take treats from me (or if he takes one, he'll eat a little bit of it and drop it,) and it's hard to tell if he's eating his regular food. He is drinking, however. He doesn't seem to be in pain at all and he IS able to run around, he just seems to be choosing not to. If I put him on the bottom of the cage, he'll climb up the bars to get back to the top shelf, and while I had him out with me, he was climbing around my desk and over my shoulders, but he still wasn't nearly as energetic as he usually is. I cooked some scrambled egg for him last night which he ate a good amount of, but since then he's only been picking at his food. My "rat vet" is usually a week or two out with his appointments, so if I can figure out what is going on with him, I can at least take him in to see a non-rat vet who can see him much sooner and hopefully get anything that might help him feel better.