Senior Member
So today I started to teach my ratties to come when called! I started off having a ten minute session with each of them alone and once they were getting the hang of it I brought them all out for a bit of play time! While they were out on my bed I would call one of them and usually they'd run right over to get some yummy treats!
I was using Rice Krispies, and they were perfect because they can be eaten by the rats in one bite. ^_^
Rat's are so smart, they learned to come as fast as my brother's new puppy learns tricks, lol.
I was also teaching Pashmina to walk on her hind legs after she got the gyst of coming (she caught on very quickly!).
What kind of tricks have you guys taught your ratties?
I was using Rice Krispies, and they were perfect because they can be eaten by the rats in one bite. ^_^
Rat's are so smart, they learned to come as fast as my brother's new puppy learns tricks, lol.
I was also teaching Pashmina to walk on her hind legs after she got the gyst of coming (she caught on very quickly!).
What kind of tricks have you guys taught your ratties?