Rat Sneezing and taking to vet (advice)

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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2009
My rat Theo has been sneezing for about 3-4 days now and I'm worried. It hasn't gotten worse. He's still eating and running around and I listened to his breathing and it sounds okay. I do think he might have URI.

I have spent a lot of time on the internet researching it. Everyone says that a URI could develop into pneumonia or something more serious. I'm not sure how common that is or if it applies to me because my rat is just under 2 years old and very healthy.

I will probably be taking him to the vet tomorrow. It has been stressful for me because I'm worried about him. Also my mom doesn't support me taking him to the vet so I don't have any support.

I have been doing what I can in the meantime to help him get better (echinacea, humidity, warmth, etc...)

The vet here is called the Burloak Animal Clinic and they said they deal with rats. I have never been there before and I can't find much information about them.

So from what I've gathered, Baytril and Doxycycline are the most effective against mycoplasma.

Here are some questions I just want to put out there:

- if the vet gives me a prescription for antibiotics, and I run out of medicine, do I have to go back for another prescription? Will the vet charge me for another examination?

- how will the antibiotics affect the rat? Will the appetite change? Should I give probiotic stuff after to return the natural gut flora that's supposed to be in his stomach?

- is it necessary to treat with antibiotics if your rat is in good health? Don't most rats just fight it off?

- can you buy the antibiotics from a pharmacy?

I just don't want to be taking him to the vet and treating with antibiotics if it's unnecessary because I'm not rich. But I am willing to pay because I love my rats.

Can people please tell me what their experience has been with the treatment antibiotics for mycoplasma (which is what I think it is)?

How old is your rat, any changes in the home, like open windows, fans, any fragrances, carpet cleaning?
But if you suspect it's something worse, then it's best to have the vet listen to his lungs. The vet will know if the rat needs antibiotics or not. You could start with just Baytril. If the vet says his lungs sound bad, then adding doxy is a good idea.
Most rats are fine on Baytril and doxy, they don't need any supplements. Some rats are a bit more tired when on meds but most are normal.
Rats can't fight off respiratory infections on their own.
Some meds can be bought at a pharmacy but I believe Baytril is from the vet only.
I'm sorry your little guy isn't feeling well. If one of mine is sneezing for more than a few days, and there haven't been any significant environmental changes (like the ones Jo mentioned), then I definitely bring them in to the vet.
Your vet should be able to give you antibiotics at their office.
All veterinary practices differ. My vet will send me home with meds, then do a free re-check in two weeks. Other vets may charge for a re-check.
I hope your boy gets to feeling better soon.
I would do a search on Burloak in the vet section and see if there's warnings or recommendations. I too would look into environmental factors...I am sneezing more these days myself due to the early pollen, and change of weather.
There haven't been any environmental changes except for the weather which has been warmer than usual for some days.

I clean their cage everyday and I don't use bedding. I use towels and old t-shirts that have been washed with Green Works, a natural scent-free detergent.

I also have an air purifier in their area to clean the air of any allergens. I turn it on for a few hours per day.

I'm going to call the vet right now. I have tried looking at reviews for them and they seem alright from what I can gather.
Okay, I'm taking him in tonight. The appointment is at 7:30. I asked them if they dealt with many rats before and they said yes.

I'm going to keep him in the cage and bring the cage to the vet so that he feels safe and comfortable.

Wish me luck.
The vet appointment went fine. Theo was stressed out during the examination because it was a different environment with unfamiliar people touching him and looking at him. His eyes got red and then he sneezed more and it looked like there was some blood that sprayed out of his nose.

I got baytril and doxycycline. I was given a month supply and they said I can come get it refilled at any time.

They gave him a dose that night. It's been almost 48 hours since then.

When we got home he was happy to be home. I cleaned the cage and put him back in.

He snuggled back into his igloo and went to sleep.

This morning I noticed that Theo is not sneezing as much. He seems to be happy.

It is difficult to feed it to him directly with the syringe cause he resists so I have been mixing it with baby cereal (oatmeal) and then he eats it.

I hope to see more improvement.
Theo is feeling a lot better. He's so happy and active. He doesn't sneeze anymore and he has a good appetite. I'm so happy. It's been 2 weeks and 2 days that I have been giving him the baytril/doxycycline.

I have read that you are supposed to continue to give it for 6-12 weeks. But 6-12 weeks is a big range. How are you supposed to know if it's 6, 7, or 12 weeks?

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