Rat ruining her sister's out time!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2011
Ottawa, On
Why does Aili keep trying to escape and ruining our fun!?

During afternoon out time, I was playing with Kaina...teaching her trick's like walking up straight..(I think she has it :) ).
And then the fun was all ruined by Aili escaping.

I put Kaina back in the cage and went to search for Aili, and when I found her I put her back in the cage with the door closed tight so I could keep playing with Kaina.

After five minute's or so I put Kaina back and switched with Aili, (maybe one on one time would be better) she doesn't seem to wanna play to much and learn trick's much less but trying to escape is her idea of fun. Wich is not really fun for me or her sis', with play time being cut short on account of escapee.

And sometimes when there is no way to escape, she transforms into a mower and starts tearing out the carpet to get under stuff.

What can I do to correct this behavior?
Or is it just her personality?
hmm, if she likes to try to plow thru things, maybe fill a box with fleece scraps or YN litter or something else, and some treats and toys and plop her inside and see what she thinks of that?

or fill up lots of boxes with different things, and put some random holes in them for her to "escape" thru?

mine don't know where the door is to get out of the room so they've never tried to leave it, but they have lots of boxes to climb in and on and that's one of their favorite things to do, get inside something, the fuller the box, the better LOL and then find their way out

tunnels and piles of fabric/towels, etc also work great.

rats love to tunnel and explore the "innards" of things.

well most do, anyway
I've got one girl who prefers to climb over all other activities, if there's something she can climb up, she will. when its time to put the girls back in the cage I know I will find her on the highest level in the room. :giggle:
Yea Im not too too scared of her squeezing through the coroplast barrier to get behind the cage and stuff, I usually find her or she usually come's back.

Noo thank god she doesn't escape out of their room! But it's still a bit annoying...and kindda spoil's the mood..cause I have to stop playing with Kaina and search for Aili.

Does anyone else have uncooperative and stubborn ratties?
My Chu was like that... I loved her for it. It was never a dull moment with her... God I miss her.
Try and give her lots to do. Petunia has some great suggestions.
*Raises hand*

I have two gals who have regretfully lost their fear of the floor. Everyone else is perfectly content to hang out with me on the bed, but these two have different ideas. The moment they're done sniffing over every inch of the mattress, BOOM, they hit the floor. Normally I wouldn't mind too much, but my bedroom is carpeted, and these girls love to dribble ...
I used to put heavy rocks in the corners of the room. They didn't stop Agnes, but they gave me enough time to swoop over there and grab her before she energeticly started tearing up the carpet.

The lively, escapey rats are usually very bright. Try putting a treat in a box and letting her figure it out. Once she's worked that out, wrap the box in a couple of layers of paper. Then tie it up with string. Then put it in a sock. Get her things that jingle. Show great interest in them yourself, and act like you don't want to give them to her straight away. Maaaan, I miss Agnes!
During tonights out time, I suceeded in getting her to play with Kaina and me and to leave the corner's alone...It was great we played chase (my hand chasing them).
But I'm sure tomorrow morning she'll be right back to those corner's!

I'll start tonight while watching tv, making up the game's that Petunia suggested.
Another thing that some rats absolutely adore, build a huge cardboard box castle. Get several boxes, tape them together, cut out doors and windows.

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