Rat Pausing

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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2012
So all my boys have their own individual behavior, Gizmo is very friendly to people, brave, and not afraid to venture into new locations. Gyro is mostly quiet, likes to venture and do his own thing, a bit shy around new folks but warms up quick when there's food. Nes is a fire ball, likes to play and not be handled and a bit skittish at random.

One odd behavior I did notice with Gyro though I dont find it be a concern, is that he takes alot of long pauses during play time. For instance he'll sit on the edge of my bed staring into the abyss for about a minute lol. Or he'll sit on my entertainment center and stare at nothing. He'll do so sitting on my lap, on my desk, even on the floor he'll just randomly stop and stand still staring at nothing. I don't notice any trigger to this odd behavior, nor find it to be a health concern, just wondering what could be going through his cute black little head as he stops to examin the world during playtime
I know my rats do that before they jump. It's not a swaying thing, they just stop and stare and then decide whether to leap or not. Rats also have generally bad eyesight, so maybe he's just looking to see if anything is there? Maybe it's like with T-Rex in Jurrasic Park- he's waiting for something to move. Ha, ha!
No he doesn't hang his head over or anything, and I do the rat phone him all the time and he doesn't make any sounds or signs of struggle breathing. He's been checked out by my vet not too long ago and all sounds fine under the listener. Like i said he does this on the floor too he'll just stop dead on his feet even in the middle of bouncing lol, it's actually pretty cute, it's like he forgot what he was doing at times and just pauses, as if he was thinking 'what am i doing again?' lol.
I always figured it was the eyesight. Mine seem to do it especially if a new box or toy is added to cardboard play city, they scamper around then notice a new shape, freeze, stare...explore. it also seems a human like behaviour when they seem to be thinking about their next move. They probably are.
I suppose that's it then hehe, just one of his own little habbits. Nes is really my one who has issues seeing, he has pink eyes and typically sways his head side to side when he's observing something new to him. He's also the most skittish of my boys and the fire ball, a big white puff ball of energy. I may not be able to cuddle with him, but i can still kiss him and watch him have his fun :D

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