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I don't know why, but one of my boys is scared to death of my hand. I have four boys, all littermates, and I've had them all since they were 4-5 weeks old. Three of them love attention, love to be handled and scratched and kissed... but the odd one out, Tommy, is super afraid. He's always been more timid than his brothers but I was a little shaken up tonight when I was giving them each a bath to get rid of their buck grease... I reached for Tommy, who was last to go, and he stood up on his back legs and stared my hand down. When I reached to pick him up anyway (I was afraid he was going to bite me!) he took off into a corner of the bathroom so I couldn't get behind him to scoop him up and stared my hand down again. Eventually I managed to lift him without getting bitten, but he was scratching me to get away and squealing.
It's not just at bath time (although this is the first time I've seen him display any aggressive behaviors at all). He doesn't want me to touch him at all, he doesn't like to be near my hand when it's in the cage... I'm at a loss because his brothers are so sweet and cuddly, but more than anything now I'm afraid he's going to start biting out of fear of me and I really don't want that at all.
I can't afford to neuter him, but I don't think it's aggression that's the problem. I think his behavior was more out of fear of my hand than anything else, and even as scared as he was he didn't actually go through and bite me like he was threatening to. He was friendly toward me at one point, but never to the extent of his brothers and now it's getting worse.
Do you guys have any tips for me on how I can bond with Tommy before it's too late? I try giving him treats and he'll take them if he's in the cage but it's not bonding us. He doesn't like to come out of his cage either, and spends all him out time trying to get away from me and back into his house. The methods I used with his brothers (lots of treats and attention) aren't working with him...
Please help!