Rat Emergency Kit?

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Aug 17, 2010
So. Cal.
I was thinking that it would probably be good to have emergency kits...first in medical terms, in the event that a rat is sick and I can't get him to the vet soon enough; and secondly in case I need to evacuate my home. I live in an area where wildfires are prevalent and often you really need to move quickly to get to safety in time. For a medical emergency kit, what kinds of things should I include in there? And what about the evacuation/need-to-leave-quickly kit?
This is what I keep on hand:

- children's liquid ibuprofen (which can be given for pain and inflammation)
- a few small, needleless syringes (to administer oral fluids for a rat who can't drink/eat, or to flush an abscess with water)
- flour (to use as a blood clotting agent in event of a ripped toenail, etc.)
- some Q-tips (to help clean wounds or to pry a mouth open if you need to look inside)
- baby cereal and ensure (to make mushy food for rats who can't eat/are sick)
- pedialyte (for a dehydrated rat/a rat with diarrhea)
- band-aids and gauze (in the rare chance you get a good bite from a rat)

The only things I'd add to that for an evacuation kit is maybe a ziploc bag full of lab blocks, an extra water bottle, and a small cage that you can use to house them for an indefinite period of time.

If i think of anything else that's in my first aid kid I'll let you know! You probably won't need the band-aids for yourself, as you won't have many rats coming and going. I keep them because I run a rescue and get rats with unknown backgrounds and possible aggressive tendencies. Heh. But I guess they don't hurt to have.

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