Rat Diary- What do I keep in it

The Rat Shack Forum

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Active Member
Jul 22, 2012
North Carolina
I have noticed that it is recommended to keep a "rat diary" for each rat, so I decided to start one.
To start I bought a kitchen scale and made a spreadsheet for tracking their weight each week this month.
I will also be adding a section for info about vet visits (Date, what the visit was for, etc..).

What other info should I put in it?
In my rat diary I put in the normal stuff(vet, birthdays), as well as the dates of any new symptoms that come up. It's also a good place to keep just regular memories, when something funny happens, or when a little ratter dies, I write about it so I can look back and remember what they were like. :)
I also put down their behaviour or if I'm doing any kind of trust training with them, keep a record of how it's going. I write down what I feed them and if they have a reaction to it. For example: gave broccoli, had wet poop.
Those kind of things.

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