My approx. 4 month old rat who weighs 9 ounces has been making a chirping noise, only at night and not every night. I noticed when cleaning out their sleeping area that the paper towels looked like artillery spray. I called up the vet and took all my rats in and he listened to all their chests and said they all sounded fine but if the aforementioned rattie(Wynken) still kept up the chirping to call and he'd prescribe meds. Well it did, he also had a couple bought's of what appeared to be hiccups but I'm not quite sure. So I called the vet back and he prescribed Baytril 0.5cc every 12 hours for 10-14 days (Enrofloxacin 4MG/ML). Today is the 14th day and the amount of Porphyrin on their bedding is next to none and the chirping has been cut down by 75% but he's still making the noise twice two separate nights. I had some problems with administering it at first, as he wouldn't take it mixed with anything, so I resorted to wrapping him up like a burrito in a towel and gently shooting it in his mouth but at first most of that ended up on me. I finally found a baby food he liked to mix it with so the last couple of days have been good. I called and asked about getting more because I didn't think I'd have enough for the 14 days but now I'm wondering if I should get more and keep him on them awhile longer. What do you guys think? This is my first time dealing with medicating so I'm not sure exactly what to ask for and so on. Thank you for your time.