Rat attacking new rat

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New Member
Dec 20, 2012
United States
I introduced a baby girl to my two neutered males and it went fine. They love her. So a few months later I wanted to get another girl for the existing girl. Got a young female and introduced in the bathroom. They were fine. Put them in the cage and they did not treat her very nice but no blood. The existing female didn't want to be friend with her though. The baby was alone and scared in the corner most of the time. So I decided to get another baby from the same lady.

Heres the problem

Introduced in bathroom and it was fine. I did notice the new baby who is pretty much hairless, mounting the other rats. Being too dominant. Put them in the cage and my dominant male was attacking her. Mostly the normal dominance display attacks but she is not submitting. It's been a month. For a while we has to separate them when we were not home. She is not submitting to the male. She is tiny and hairless so no protection and she constantly has scabs. Is it possible that there could be two rats who just never get along or are not compatible?

I cleaned the cage of all smell, replaced the toys and later replaced the houses, changed the food. Everything to make them less territorial.
I did not follow the correct introduction process. I did not because when I introduced the original female without following the process, it was entirely fine. I know it was a mistake to think that it would be fine to do it again. But I did not think that my adults would be mean to little babies. Both babies were 6-8 weeks old. I am concerned about separating the afflicted baby in fear of ruining any progress that has been made, as well as that she will be alone. I considered taking her back for a minute but the other baby and her do hang out together quite a bit and I do not want to break any bond that may exist.
They need to be of age to do intros and you always have to follow the introduction rules. Adults have killed babies in one bite. we have seen it on the forum. You have to make sure the girls are at least 10 weeks old before you try to introduce them to adult males. I wait 10 to 12 weeks with males to baby females because they can be so rough. Just because it went right once doesnt mean it will again. A lot of factors play into rat introductions. Males can age and find their hormones making a rat easy to intro at 3 months old a holy terror at 6 months old. Bond with the babies and do intros slowly. It will work but you dont want to harm them in the process.
Taking her away from the boys would mean that I also have to take the other baby away and lose any and all progression that has been made. I cannot stress enough that this IS a dominance issue and that the clear issue is that the baby will not submit to the dominant male. She fights back. Won't get on her back, but will rather jump up and stand tall. Has anyone had the issue of two rats simply not being compatible?
I've had that happen but eventually, it works out.
Babies don't dominate, they play. It could be the big guy is trying to teach her a lesson but the fear here is that he will hurt her. It's something that may or may not happen.

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