Random spaz attack with Spaz.

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Jun 4, 2010
My rats were all cuddled up and sleeping, so I decided to pet them and love them and stuff, and they were all happy and everything, and then all of a sudden Spaz jumps up and screams, which makes the other rats jump up in suprise, he tries to attack them, I try to protect them, and he bites meD:

I tried to get him out of the cage, after a few more bites and scratches I manage to get him out and into a carrier (I haven't brought all the cages from the car yet). I thought it was some kind of spaz attack (hence his name) like he had a few months ago which ended in him losing part of his tail, but then I thought maybe I had touched a cut..

after a few mins, he calmed down so I lured him on my desk and gently picked him up(He let me, he didn't squeak or tense up) and I looked him over. He didn't have any hits or sores, his nails were fine, his stubby tail was fine, his teeth were fine, and he looked healthy. When I went to touch him (he was still in my hand) he screamed right before I actually touched him and jumped back into the carrier. When I peeked into the carrier he made this weird squeak like when you step on a squeaky toy, and it doesn't make any noise but when you step off it, it makes that weird drawn-out squeak. I dunno, none of my rats have ever made that noise before:(

He didn't seem aggressive, just really scared and he doesn't want anything to do with me, he's just under six months, and I raised him from a baby without any problems or vet trips. Unfortunately, I don't have any money for*a neuter/expensive vet meds because of Charlie and a really random bite infection from Pet and Hobby (Which I'll probably post about later, regarding a surprise birthday ratD:)

Anyone had this problem before? What should I do?
I noticed rats get scared and fearful around 5 to 6 months. He'll grow out of it if that's the case. I have a few I have to make sure they're awake before petting them.
I cautiously put him back with the others and he went back to normal, but he doesn't want to sleep in the pile anymore:( He takes all the food out of the dish and sleeps in there. He lets me pet him, but not near his face, and he doesn't let me pet him at all then he's laid down to sleep=/
Keep a close eye on him at this age, like mamarat writes, they go through a fearful phase but they also can become aggressive. Hopefully it's nothing health related like a seizure or neuro event.