Have any of you ever heard of this? They sell it at PetCo. I know of many people that use it on rats. Have any of you ever done so? Do you know anything about about it?
I don't think I would use rabbitrx on rats. Rabbits guts are way different than rats and it must be geared towards that. Unless if they sell it as rabbit and small animals rx.
Debbie D lists Rabbit RX as one of her items to have on hand in her Rat Guide book. I don't believe it is something that the ingest. They also package it and sell it as Ferret RX as well as Vet RX. It is suppose to be placed on the nose or it can be added to a vaporizor. It is just esential oils basically that are to aid in opening nasal passages. Here is the link to it in Drs Foster & Smith...