Quick question on tumour operation

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2010
I jinxed it! I keep going on about how Lady has had no tumours come up since we got the first one removed, and 3 days ago, up comes one on her neck.

We've just been to the vets, they said it can be removed tomorrow, no problem, but are charging £200 :shock:

Next week I'm moving back to my parents house, I know the vet there charges only £80 for a tumour removal. BUT, I'm not going back 'til next Friday.

Is that risky? could the tumour become inoperable by then or something? would I be immoral to not just pay the extra and have it removed tomorrow?

She is also 2 years 10 months now, she's in good health, but what are your opinions on having operations on elderly Rats? For all I know she could be gone next week, I'm just a little apprehensive that I might just be troubling the old girl...but then if I get it removed I could still have her for a long time.

I know there is no definite answer to all these questions, I'm just interested to hear what you'd all do in my situation.

Any opinions much appreciated!
What does the tumour feel like? Is it easy to move around or is it attached? How big is it? Is she spayed?

Older rats can have tumours removed safely but they often take longer to recover and IMO are more susceptible to serious illness during recovery.
Very easy to move around and small at the moment. She's not spayed.

Yea - I thought as much with the recovering. I think I may leave it.

Still open opinions of course, though!
If it's easy to move around and small I would say you can probably wait a few weeks. I recently had two large, fast growing lumps removed from a 28 month female. She's doing really well now but I was very worried the first two days and it looks like one lump is growing back. I don't regret the surgery, but I'm not sure what I will do about the new lump if it turns out to be a tumour.
This is a tough one. Each case is different and it all depends on how healthy is the rat.
You'll need to really weigh the pros and cons.
Well if it depends on her health; she's at the stage now where she can no longer climb, and she uses her entire back legs to walk around instead of just hr feet it seems (does everyone else' old Ratties do this?). But having said that, she's still very chirpy and loves walking around during out time. She's also a good weight; carrying a little extra which I think is good for older Rats.

This is a horrible decision, I've no idea which choice will actually make her more comfortable :sad3:

On a happier note, yay that she has lived this long! it seems like she's always been with us! our other girls didn't live anywhere near this long
Hind end degeneration really has no bearing on her health. I've had plenty of rats drag their back end around for months and months and be in top health. :thumbup:
It is never an easy decision to make.

My Pixie is 2 & 1/2 and has been spayed and has had 5 tumors removed in 3 separate surgeries. She has done well each time & still loves our vet. The last tumor was on her neck but wasn't attached to anything. It was growing quite slowly so we weren't in any hurry to take it off. But she is much happier with it gone because it started getting in the way of eating, drinking & cleaning.

I base all my decisions on quality of life & discussions with my vet.
:sad3: I shall just have to learn the language of the Rat and ask her myself

But seriously, I think i'm gonna go for the op. still have a little while to decide, though

Thank you all!
Hi LadyGray!

I just noticed this thread and wanted to wish you well. I remember when the first tumor popped up and my ratties sprouted their first tumors at the same time. That was about a year ago, but a long time in rattie years!

So I don't have an answer or advice, but just wanted to wish you and Lady well. We're cheering for you. :joy:

Thanks so much Chris!

oK, updated situation; she has an operation booked on monday, but we've just discovered a second tumour on her stomach, so would be a two in one removal, does this make any of you change your minds on getting it done?
With everything I've been through in the last few months with tumours, I would probably say to not get the surgery, but I know how different it is to say it as an outsider than as someone who is emotionally invested in the situation.

If there's a lump in her stomach (I'm understanding it's internal and not sub-cutaneous) there's a strong possibility they're malignant and spreading. If that's the case, they will likely come back, but the surgery would still buy time if it's successful. Does your vet think she has a good chance of recovering? If he/she does then the surgery is something to consider but at the same time, at her age I would worry she would be more susceptible to something else during recovery. I'm not trying to discourage you or push my experiences on you, there's no wrong answer and you know what's best at the end of the day.

Good luck whatever you decide :hugs:
Oh dear... Victoria's right... there are no wrong answers...

A month ago I made the decision not to bring my 2.5 year old girl for another tumor removal surgery (she's had two surgeries and has since developed three more tumors in rapid succession). It seemed the right thing to do, but on the cons side, it's really hard to sit by and watch those tumors grow. (I still stand by my decision not to have the surgery, though.)

Did your vet say anything more about this new tumor? the type or if he thinks he can get it all, etc. ? More information might make for a clearer decision.

Yay yay, lots of yays!

I saw the Vet; she's had years and years of experience, and after looking at Lady she said that we would be very unlucky if she was to be worse off afterwards, and that she believed she would bounce back no problems

And she has! she's got two sets of stitches of course, but is waddling about (back leg degradation!), happy as ever.

I don't know what meds they give there, but they work. I've not had a Rat come out of an Op there anything but lively!

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