Questions about spay/neutering?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2009
I have a few questions in regards to having my ratties spayed/neutured.
I know that spaying is good for health and helps prevent tumors, etc. And I know that neuturing helps with agression.
Not to mention the size and diveristy of the colony you care for can be when you can put males and females together without any no-nos.
I am looking for any advice, pros and cons of s/n, etc.
I was wondering what the normal rate of spaying/neuter price is in canada.
I would like to two males from my litter and my three females together eventually.
In my opinion and I've had tons of rats spayed and neutered, if you have a good exotic vet the risks are minimal.
In my neck of the woods, a spay is $260 and a neuter $180.
I was quoted $125 for a spay here, I bet a neuter would be about $95. I called multiple exotic vets to see who treated who and what their prices were like. Based on that I looked for recomendations from their clients before I settled.
I suppose that is reasonable.
Not too much more than a cat or dog, yet they are so much smaller, so I would imagine harder to do.
Then again, I guess there are lots of REALLY tiny dogs these days!
Wow, Cigar, where do you live = 0

I will take a trip there and get mine done!
That is how much I assumed, here is is 100+ just for a check up!
We really have no good exotic vets in town with reasonable pricing, I am considering traveling to a better one, then again, that is added stress on my ratties!
I am not sure what to do, but I am sure I will figure it out!
Make sure that the vet has some experience and is a good surgeon. Neuters especially require a lot of skill. Make sure that they are available easily if anything goes wrong afterwards.
My local vets I don't trust for surgeries and whatnot, and I'll only go to them in situations where I need meds but I have a good idea of what the problem is. I can't even imagine what they'd charge for a spay! The vet I use for weird/scary things or who I would use for surgeries charges about $250 for a spay, and I think $170 for a neuter? He is about an hour away from me, but I wouldn't go anywhere else!

Neuters have a few other benefits, such as less chance of penis plugs, less buck grease (ewww) and I think some people have noted less allergic reaction to a neutered male.
Yes, I would like to go all out and s/n all of them, but I really don't have the cash.
I think I am just going to spay the girls and then do the boys later on when I have the money.
I have heard it is much more important for the girls, unless the boys have problems then they must be fixed ASAP.
I'll do the girls and worry about the males later.
I'm hoping to get Cori spayed so she can live with her brother, Kovu. (formerly Warren) It will be my first spay, so this thread was helpful. :)

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